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The spitemaster
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icon DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (+1)  
Everybody is getting pumped about the new DROD game that is coming out. It has literally tied itself into our life blood and activity as a fourm. As such, we need a release for all of this creative and frustrated energies, and something other than complaining to Mrimer that he still has secrets even though he is "telling all". This needs to be channeled through a competition. DROD S is a game where you can bash it out with the other forumites.

The Basic Rules

Each of you is a single general, commanding massive armies of monsters and men. You have captured a small village that has a small number of serfs living in it. This will constitute your income and production (or acquiring of units). You will start with a basic income of 500 greckles every other day (a day begins and ends at 12:00 GMT). These carry over, so do not worry about posting every day! Each day, you also gain a number of special resources, which you can use for specific tasks (more on this below). You can use your greckles to do many tasks, the most important of which is the purchase of units.

Units (mostly monsters) all have different stats, and these may interact in very interesting ways. Units also require upkeep – a fee you must pay from your earnings each day/week (depending on the unit). Upkeep is optional, but if you don't (or can't) pay it, you lose all the units you don't pay for. You always lose the highest cost ones first. Weekly upkeeps come directly out of your income – you cannot used saved money to pay for weekly upkeeps, unfortunately. A unit may not be used until its first upkeep is paid.

You will also be given two Glorthorred researchers to start. Each day, the researchers can work on developing one new technology. Technologies will take a certain number of researcher-days to complete, as well as having a maximum amount of researchers that can participate on the task at a time. It will also cost money to research a technology – this is usually a one-time fee. This one time fee is applied at the end of the research. You may reassign researchers to a new task at any time, however, if the task is already started, they will make no progress the first day as they get used to it. In addition, all tasks will require upkeep fees in order to retain the knowledge about them if they are not yet complete.

Negotiators are required for the hiring of thinking units, and work in the same way as researchers.

Uncollected resources, such as researcher-days and income, may only be kept for one week (note: if income is lost, it will be assumed to pay for upkeep, unless this is not possible, in which case units will automatically be lost starting from the highest-upkeep units). Greckles may be kept in treasury indefinitely, but researcher-days must be spent on the day of their acquisition. It is important to note that the week backlog exists only as an artificial construct – you must still take and use the resources as if you had posted every day of the week.

You will all begin with a small fighting brigade of 10 roaches.


Your units have to be organized into battle squadron. A battle squadron has to have at least one thinking unit to instruct your non-thinkers. Each battle squadron can have up to 25 units. (You, the commander, will count as a thinking unit- and therefore you can have one squadron that does not have a thinking unit.) Thinkers will be negotiated for. Each group will have two action points assigned to them. They can only attack as many people as they have action points. These points are regained at the beginning of each day for each battle squadron. Creation of a battle squadron: you will negotiate a thinker and assign it to a town. You then can add new monsters to this group. (No reshuffling or anything)

Everyone begins with a town that they are occupying. (Please name each of your towns so that people know what town they have to attack) You only control thirty towns. You can only ever control these thirty towns. Even though you own all of the towns they don't give you any money because they are not "active" yet. Each of your squadrons is assigned to each of your towns. If you lose a town that contains a squadron they are homeless and cannot be reassigned. As you come to own more and more "active" towns it will become important that you maintain one or more squadrons inside the towns because they are significantly more vulnerable without you inside. A town that is unowned has the same statistics as one that is owned and has no one inside. (If you ever have any doubts about what sort of strategy, read all of the stats for the units) Remember that your health is a very valuable commodity.

Action points are simple. When a group moves in to fight it will pit its attack against the defenders defense. If the defender is not destroyed it will retaliate with its attack against the attackers defense. The damage taken is done like this: Attacker has 20 attack points and the defender has 5 defense: the defender will take 15 damage. If these are squadrons attacking they will attack each other like risk. (Highest level against highest level, except there may be an uneven amount of attackers/defenders wherein the leftovers would all attack the highest level creature This is one action point. The towns are attacked first and the units inside after the town is destroyed. Each round of these attacks require an action point from the attacker. (With un even numbers: the extra low levels that group together attack's and defense's score will be added together when they do their attack and defense)

The method of finding who goes first will just be based off the positon of the creatures in the battle squadron on the list of monsters. All numbers are added together and the lowest number moves first. (If there is conflict, where two numbers are the same, the person who signed up to play first will move first.) In every case of movement the squadron will move out and move back before the next one moves. (Unless that group captures a town where they would remain in the captured town)

The two states that your town can be in are:

Unoccupied town (unactive/active)


Attack: 0

Defense: Cannot be attacked if not activated otherwise it's 0

Cost: N/A

Produces: 0 greckles every other day if not active otherwise it's 500

Occupied town

HP: 20 000

Attack: 0

Defense: 20

Cost: N/A

Upkeep: Free

Produces: 500 greckles every other day

All the other units have been made into reference cards. (By Jyder)


The winner will be the last person still receiving an income. (Ths has been now changed to whoever is ahead)

You will need to enter the contest by, oh, too bad it is too late.
Incomes in the game will run Sunday,Wednesday,Friday. The first day of the game will begin on Local Time:08-03-2008 at 08:00 AM and end on Local Time:08-04-2008 at 05:00 AM. The next day after that will wait for three hours and then begin. In this down time I will update the charts so that everyone knows what the results of their attacks were.

Questions of yours may already been answered just check the
Pre-august thread.

The one still alive will receive 100 rank points in addition to a prize from the prize pile. (And a playing of the song "A Stalwarts Ballad")

Runner up will receive 50 rank points as a consolation prize

Third place will receive 25 rank points.

Last night upon a stair
I met a man that wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would stay away

[Last edited by The spitemaster at 08-02-2008 07:09 AM]
07-28-2008 at 12:48 AM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Okay, I'll join. I am terrible with names, so I'm going to give a third of my cities a 'New' prefix, and a third the 'Old' prefix.
Click here to view the secret text

These are all from various Science Fiction/Fantasy stories/movies. Try to guess them!

Oh, and I want to start with Old Altur'Rang as my active city.

[Last edited by Someone Else at 07-28-2008 05:29 AM]
07-28-2008 at 01:32 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (+3)  
I will join. Here is a list of thirty city names:

Click here to view the secret text

(I'll be perfectly honest, I considered using Chaco's [1st through 30th] Chamber at first, but I figured that would be too cruel for everyone to be using for an entire month. Also, associative relationships are easier to use when between concepts and names, rather than concepts and numbers. 1 point for anyone who guesses what list I'm using for the 30 names, because it shouldn't be hard to figure out.)

(Sillyman gets the bonus.)

I would like to start with Cut Chamber as my 1st active city.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 07-28-2008 10:47 AM]
07-28-2008 at 02:11 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (+1)  
Click here to view the secret text

Again, there's a theme here. Again, 1 mod point if you guess it.
Click here to view the secret text

La Mulana is first, obviously. (To anyone who knows who Deceased Crab is, yes that's the theme, Chaco got it)

Who, me?

[Last edited by Sillyman at 07-29-2008 05:01 AM]
07-28-2008 at 08:09 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Count me in.

Click here to view the secret text

I will start in the Vampire Mansion.

Slay the living! Raise the dead!
Paint the sky in crimson red!

[Last edited by Maurog at 07-30-2008 07:12 AM]
07-28-2008 at 11:15 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
I sign up

City Names:

Click here to view the secret text

I will start at Hypex City

Anyone know where names 3-14 come from?

[Insert witty comment here]
07-28-2008 at 01:10 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
I'm in. City names:
Click here to view the secret text

I will start in 01x1A57.

EDIT: Thank you, robobob.

Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by eb0ny at 07-28-2008 05:52 PM]
07-28-2008 at 02:42 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (+1)  
eb0ny wrote:
Do you mean 29x7357?

07-28-2008 at 03:56 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (+1)  
Here's a synopsis of my current state at the beginning of the game. I'd like it if everyone could look at these and see whether I made any mistakes in tallying everything up and transferring information from the reference cards and official game posts.

I don't feel any qualms about this because this is the same state that everyone else will be starting with. Later on, I will be maintaining similar lists for the rest of my mighty empire :)

Attached is a synopsis of Cut Chamber's current state at the beginning of the game.


Not anymore.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 07-29-2008 05:23 PM]
07-28-2008 at 06:55 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (+1)  
Attached here is a synopsis of my budget at the start of the game.


Not anymore.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 07-29-2008 05:24 PM]
07-28-2008 at 06:56 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Quite valid, dear sir.

Who, me?
07-29-2008 at 05:15 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Count me in! These are my cities and they too have something in common, can you guess?
Click here to view the secret text

I like Charo summaries but what about the 2 Glorthorred researchers?

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by techant at 07-29-2008 10:09 AM]
07-29-2008 at 10:00 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (+1)  
Someone knows too much about Narnia.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
07-29-2008 at 10:32 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
techant wrote:
I like Charo summaries but what about the 2 Glorthorred researchers?

As far as I can tell from having read the contest threads, you only start with 10 roaches. I think we'll have to buy a negotiator and negotiate in order to get a researcher.

Since upkeep and cost for both of these characters are quite large, (and also for any thinkers recruited by the Negotiators) I suspect this game may run a bit slow at first.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

07-29-2008 at 11:43 AM
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File: units.png (70.9 KB)
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
No, the pre-August thread does state that you start with 2 researchers as well.

By the way, here's a sample image of a squadron, that I'm going to use to track units and hit points. It describes the position at the beginning of the game.

Slay the living! Raise the dead!
Paint the sky in crimson red!
07-29-2008 at 01:11 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
The player counts as a thinking unit for some unknown reason.
Are you implying that a player should be commanded by a thinker?

Click here to view the secret text

07-29-2008 at 02:12 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Sounds complicated but I've been waiting for August to enter a contest so... I'm in.

Here be names:

Click here to view the secret text

Starting with Garnet.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
07-29-2008 at 03:26 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Maurog wrote:
No, the pre-August thread does state that you start with 2 researchers as well.

Alright, I must have missed that. I'll update my files in private, and remove the previous version from the forum.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 07-29-2008 05:22 PM]
07-29-2008 at 05:21 PM
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The spitemaster
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File: DROD Strategy full list.xls (33.5 KB)
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
As of right now we have eight players. This is the spreadsheet that I will be updating throughout the game.

Maurog, you had thirty-one cities so I took off your last one.

Last night upon a stair
I met a man that wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would stay away
07-30-2008 at 03:27 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
No you didn't, you put all 31 in. Anyway, please remove Drow City from the list.

Slay the living! Raise the dead!
Paint the sky in crimson red!
07-30-2008 at 07:14 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Could you add "days unused" field below the player name? Will be easier to track late players.

Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by eb0ny at 07-30-2008 09:14 AM]
07-30-2008 at 09:12 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
This looks interesting. I'd like to join too.

Here are the names:
Click here to view the secret text

07-30-2008 at 11:24 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
So I am still a little confused about how we start. I'll assume there will be a thead that we post our moves/decisions on. Will everyone else be able to see our post or will they be hidden up to a specific time?

Second, as to the first post that we need to make. (I want to get this right so that is why I am being a bother. :blush ) As I understand it right now we have the option to attack someone else with our 10 wimpy roaches. Attach or not to attach that is the question and if we attach who will it be. We can assign our 2 researchers to jobs. Also, decide if we want to buy any more units. Other than that there is nothing else to decide, right?

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
Click here to view the secret text

07-31-2008 at 06:09 AM
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The spitemaster
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Yes that really is all you have to do. I think that it just seems more complicated because there is so many options and that I made the rules contain alot. In the future the only other action that you will have to do is activate cities.

It has come to my attention that the contest needs to have a winner by the end of month. Therefore, I will make it so that the person that is doing the best at the end will win, rather than the only person left alive. (In being ahead: to be ahead you need to have the most cities, next the most health on those cities, and lastly the most research)

I think that this needs to be stated. The order of events will go like this:
Purchases (This includes negotiation and research)
This way anything that you buy, can be used for an attack that turn. This also goes for the thinkers as they appear before upkeep and attacks. You can activate a city at any time before any of the events. As a result of this you can activate a city at the beginning of a turn, receive income from it, and then place a thinker with some monsters in it. (These monsters can even attack someone else!)

Last night upon a stair
I met a man that wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would stay away

[Last edited by The spitemaster at 08-01-2008 04:33 AM]
08-01-2008 at 04:27 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Can more than one thinker at once be negotiated by my negotiators?

Can thinkers be used as regular units within the 25 slots of a squardon?

If I have a squadron made out of 25 slayers, will their bonuses cumulate?

Slay the living! Raise the dead!
Paint the sky in crimson red!

[Last edited by Maurog at 08-01-2008 11:49 AM]
08-01-2008 at 11:46 AM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
I think that you can't have more than one thinker / squadron of units, otherwise that would be way too powerful. o.o A full squadron of Slayers would be almost unstoppable.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
08-01-2008 at 04:13 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
Fang wrote:
A full squadron of Slayers would be almost unstoppable.
Not that I've learned anything about the mechanics of this thing, but how is that a problem?

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
08-01-2008 at 06:17 PM
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
That means that the first to build a full squadron of them auto wins. >.> They could kill any squadron in one shot because of the high damage they all stack up, thus making them unable to attack back, and they can move twice, so they can strike two groups. Since their defense is 50, not many units could even strike them if the slayers would get attacked, thus making them one big chunk of invincible steamrollers.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
08-02-2008 at 04:03 AM
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The spitemaster
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
That's right, Fang. All of the elements should be relatively balanced and if something seems like it would give you a huge advantage you are most likely making a mistake or finding one of mine. Thinkers cannot be combined into groups.

Last night upon a stair
I met a man that wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would stay away
08-02-2008 at 06:39 AM
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The spitemaster
Level: Smiter
Rank Points: 354
Registered: 06-09-2005
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File: DROD Strategy full list.xls (36.5 KB)
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icon Re: DROD RTS (minus the RT bit, 'cause that's not DROD) (0)  
And that is it. Nine players.

I think that if people don't want others to see what they have written for moves they can just time tag them so that they all appear at the same time.

Last night upon a stair
I met a man that wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would stay away
08-02-2008 at 07:08 AM
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