Double-posting, I know, but the last one was a reply. This one is me asking some of the more obvious questions.
calamarain wrote:
I have punched someone in anger, sending them through a glass window.(70)
About how big was that window? How big were the largest glass fragments? Was there any injury from the punch, either to his jaw or your hand?
coppro wrote:
I have ran out of air while diving.(35)
Do you know why you lost air faster than expected? When you say "
ran out"
, does that mean you were holding your breath while surfacing?
coppro wrote:
I have been in Italy for less than 2 hours.(42)
Where in France were you staying? Do you remember which Italian place you visited?
deftriver wrote:
I have eaten horse. (19)
How would you describe the flavour and texture, compared to other kinds of meat? Do you know how old "
horse was?
Rheb wrote:
I was once run over by a car.(29)
Instead of paying for each bus ticket separately, can't you get a monthly or yearly season ticket?
Chaco wrote:
I have camped in mountains with my father. (42)
Are we talking about a tent here? Same place all week, or moving from place to place? How did you deal with the mountain-typical absence of level ground to camp on?
The spitemaster wrote:
A border guard saw through me at the crossing.(47)
What was the difference? Is this literally something the guard "
calamarain wrote:
I own the complete Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.(46)
You say you wanted something that would last. Did it? Have you, summa summarum, watched the whole thing more than once?
techant wrote:
I won a toy store "get as many toys as you can" contest. (57)
What was the best single item you got on that occasion?
Blondbeard wrote:
I've passed a hunting exam, but I’ve never wanted to hunt. (58)
Apart from the firearms angle, what was the most interesting thing you learned for that exam?
Blondbeard wrote:
I have jumped through a display window and I got handsomely paid for it. (72)
What was on display in the window? How big was the window? What this money literally paid to you at one point, or did it go directly from insurance to health provider? Did the sum you were paid cover the total cost of treatment, or did you end up paying some out of your own pocket? How much did the new window cost? Do you have private health insurance?