There's 54 entries into the Cheap Trick contest.
Yeah, I think we'd better do leagues again.
There's three leagues of 18 entries, which are attached to the post directly below: the top six entries will go into the final league. Hopefully, with six entries going through, we'll have less people selflessly trying to get their entry out of contention so one they liked better than their own will go through - that's far too sportsmanlike for
this contest!
Your brief is to vote on entries based on how much you appreciated the trick. The more impressive the trick is to you, the closer your vote should be to 10. As always, vote for every entry in whatever league you take, vote yourself a 10 so you don't have to feel shame for inflicting such a dirty prank on the world, and don't go giving everyone else low votes to make yourself look good. People frown on such cheap tricks.
You've got until, let's say,
Local Time:08-15-2007 at 01:01 PM
to make a decision. We go to the finals soon after that.
What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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