OK, hold conquered. Haven't been behind the master wall yet, but here's some demos and comments regardless:
Overall a little better with the lighting. I see where I managed to go off track. Still a bit tedious getting to certain entrances but at least there's plenty of checkpoints in good spots, both inside puzzles and for saving meta-progression.
Found this significantly harder than Together, maybe just because I'm used to multi-pass levels but the trapdoors sealing off routes was still new. I admit I used a lot of trial and error for this level and not too much logical deduction - it's one thing to spot problem areas and another to actually put a route together.
One thing that this level does help teach is the difference between "
easily reversible changes"
that you can just follow a path and then come back to re-set with no problem, and "
irreversible problems"
, usually coming from force arrows and trapdoors but not always, that permanently change the configuration. I think it was a good idea to solve this level before the two "
A big roadblock and the cause of some complaining in chat. Overall probably a fine level but a real hard one to parse. I ended up solving 1S1E last despite being one of the nearer "
rooms. There's some good logical deduction stuff (e.g. dealing with 1S1E's eastmost trapdoor), but the rest was just making sure I was really thorough about trying all my available choices.
I was certainly on the lookout for any cases of dropping a pair of trapdoors by dropping one from one end and one from another end, instead of going all the way through (which would have caused different configuration of the wheel switches) but that never actually happened in any of my solutions.
As mentioned in chat, I ended up solving the central column (Entrance, 1S and 2S) by
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×just trying to make a path that travelled over each bridge at least once, then saving a screenshot and demo and then re-playing the same route and just dropping any "extra" trapdoors as necessary.
I didn't really enjoy this level but maybe that's just an inherent effect of trying to play so many similar puzzles.
Probably the level that looked the most intimidating/headache-y at the start, but not too bad once I got used to the kinds of tactics that were necessary in order to get the job done. The advice to start with 1N1E is pretty good advice, that and 1S are probably the easiest tactics trainers.
1S isn't actually horizontally mirrored correctly; the SW passage goes 1 tile too far south. If I were making the room I'd get rid of the eastmost "
passage entirely but that'd make the room asymmetrical of course. :p
I might have broken 1N1W by just leading the roach south with vertical preference. See demo.
1N might be a good candidate for a secret room. I eventually came up with this relatively simple strategy that didn't involve much babysitting or timeline interaction, just some "
ferrying. Can't tell whether this solution's intended or not.
Turnabout pt. 2
This level actually felt easier than Time since the goblins made it much easier to just switch the switches any way I wanted.
I might have skipped part of 2N2E by pushing a goblin down the trapdoor's pit instead of into the hot tiles.
4N1E felt harder than 3N1E, actually. I had to do something clever in order to actually
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×get two goblins to cooperate and get everybody through the northwest switch.
3N1E's second pass was much simpler since it just involved going through a few by-now standard paths, and one very pragmatic trick of getting a goblin off my back that I'm pretty much always already on the lookout for.
So, overall I think this hold's a little same-y but at least it's novel. I'm not really sure what other puzzles you could make besides the ones that are in this hold, since remote switching is only of limited use. Maybe I'll change my mind when I see the post-mastery section.
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
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