A weird kind of "
concept hold"
with some theming and room art all based around the concept of a TV dinner, as the title implies. Specifically: This is a one-level hold split into five major "
, each of which is named after a certain kind of food and themed in some conceptual way around that food. I.e., "
are simultaneous evil-eye wakeup puzzles, "
are roach hordes with some special constraints added to spice things up, so on. There is a global script started in the entrance which allows easy return to the entrance from any room you've already cleared, for navigational convenience (the entrance is sort of a hub for the four main areas of the level).
The hold is built to be completed in two stages: The "
main hold"
after which you get one text ending, and then beyond the hold complete walls is the "
post completion"
area where all the secrets are, which unlocks a bit more room art and a different ending text.
My demos for the main hold average 300 turns or less, so all the solutions are fairly simple at least in execution. The "
secret rooms take longer to significantly longer, mostly because they involve specific fluffblob placement with the help of a speed potion.
Looking for the usual feedback: Good/bad, this room is broken, etc.
Also looking for some help with the planned vocals of this hold. If you have a microphone and a way to record sounds from it on your computer, and are willing to have your voice in this hold, please help me out by recording yourself saying the following words as if you are a zombie; preferably say the first two several times:
Click here to view the secret text
"French Fried"
"Blueberry Pie"
"Chocolate Cake"
"Ice cream"
109th Skywatcher
Here are some links to Things!
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Xindaris at 12-05-2017 04:33 PM]