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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : tv dinner (TV....DINNER....)
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File: tv dinner.hold (17.9 KB)
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icon tv dinner (+2)  
A weird kind of "concept hold" with some theming and room art all based around the concept of a TV dinner, as the title implies. Specifically: This is a one-level hold split into five major "pieces", each of which is named after a certain kind of food and themed in some conceptual way around that food. I.e., "Veggies" are simultaneous evil-eye wakeup puzzles, "Potatoes" are roach hordes with some special constraints added to spice things up, so on. There is a global script started in the entrance which allows easy return to the entrance from any room you've already cleared, for navigational convenience (the entrance is sort of a hub for the four main areas of the level).

The hold is built to be completed in two stages: The "main hold" after which you get one text ending, and then beyond the hold complete walls is the "post completion" area where all the secrets are, which unlocks a bit more room art and a different ending text.

My demos for the main hold average 300 turns or less, so all the solutions are fairly simple at least in execution. The "post-completion" secret rooms take longer to significantly longer, mostly because they involve specific fluffblob placement with the help of a speed potion.

Looking for the usual feedback: Good/bad, this room is broken, etc.

Also looking for some help with the planned vocals of this hold. If you have a microphone and a way to record sounds from it on your computer, and are willing to have your voice in this hold, please help me out by recording yourself saying the following words as if you are a zombie; preferably say the first two several times:
Click here to view the secret text

109th Skywatcher

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Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Xindaris at 12-05-2017 04:33 PM]
12-01-2017 at 10:49 PM
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icon Re: tv dinner (+1)  
I haven't played through everything yet but thought I'd mention a couple of possible breaks in case you want to prevent them. I don't know if I will play through everything either. The slayer/weapon rooms don't look like much fun and I'll probably take a pass. Other rooms look mostly fun so far though.

Quick ease of use recommendations:
1W should have a checkpoint under the time token so that I can hit R to go back to the beginning of a recording. The vision token is placed so that no one optimizing the room will ever step on it. Please move it up one space.

2W: has a vision token placed so that no one optimizing the room will ever step on it. Please move this to (15,25).

1S2E: Minor aesthetic gripe, but it might be nicer to use trapdoors over water instead of trapdoors over pits here.

2S2E: The vision token is placed so that no one optimizing the room will ever step on it. It's not quite as big a deal in this room since it's not really all that necessary once you know where the one pressure plat is, but moving it to somewhere like (3,16) would solve the issue.

Unintended stuff (not necessarily bad, some of these solutions were fun and you may want to consider keeping them).

1N2W: Based on other rooms in this area I assume I was supposed to get all the eyes at once. Instead I just killed one and used a decoy to hit the seeding beacon. Easily fixed by moving the beacon a few squares away with a bomb then a pit between it and the kegs.

1S1W: Not sure about this one. Given the checkpoint placement I assume you did this totally differently. I did it by pretty much hanging out by the orb the whole time. It seemed like the least annoying way. I'm kind of glad I didn't have to go out and fiddle around with all the yellow doors in the main area of the room to be honest.

2S2W: Again, I did this in what seems like the only not annoying way by parking one clone on the force arrow at (18,6) the whole time while the other clone did briar stuff.

1S2E: Didn't bother toggle the tar gate. You can get the construct to push a keg into a decoy's sword and use another decoy to set off pressure plates giving you access to the seeding beacon. The intended solution looks pretty neat too, but I had a lot of fun breaking this one actually, you may want to consider making a secret variant with half the decoy potions and possibly patching up the original.

Links to neat forum tools that I always have trouble finding:
Click here to view the secret text

12-05-2017 at 04:20 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 06-13-2015
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icon Re: tv dinner (0)  

-added and/or moved vision tokens to hopefully be friendlier to optimizers as suggested, not always to places you recommended because I didn't like how some of those looked aesthetically.

-Leak fixes:
--1N2W: No decoying the beacon
--1S1W: Door to the orb now starts closed, so no cheesing the room
--2S2W: No standing on that force arrow until the briar has grown pretty far
--1S2E: New force arrow and some open doors should make it impossible to use decoys to reach and/or toggle the seeding beacon. The leaky version of this room, but with only 5 potions, is in the "extra rooms" area now, I'm not sure exactly how many you meant by "half" since there were 9 to begin with.

I do wish you'd at least try one or two of the slayer rooms. They're really not that tough, since I'm not too great at slayers myself. I imagine anyone capable of killing a slayer without aid should be good enough at manipulating them to beat most of them fairly easily, with the possible exception of the pickaxe room.

109th Skywatcher

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Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Xindaris at 12-05-2017 04:46 PM]
12-05-2017 at 04:39 PM
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Dragon Fogel
Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2584
Registered: 06-21-2014
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File: tv dinner.demo (32.1 KB)
Downloaded 41 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: tv dinner (+1)  
Okay, as an experienced slayer manipulator, I decided to take a look at these.

Click here to view the secret text

Demos attached. I also did one of the eye rooms before finding the slayer section, so that's in there too.
12-05-2017 at 09:11 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 06-13-2015
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icon Re: tv dinner (0)  
Generally the idea of the slayer rooms is that those 3 barrels can always be put into a > or < type formation to stick the slayer in place and make him really easy to push around. This basically only relies on the fact that he doesn't want to put his weapon on explosives, no matter what his weapon is.

The whole point of the pickaxe room is that the slayer can use the pickaxe to destroy some of the briar. That means the player can have more room/time than they would with just the barrels alone. Giving him a different weapon would just make the room harder, and also wouldn't fit the organization of the hold (he never has the same weapon twice). Is there some other way I can make a room where the slayer having a pickaxe is meaningful besides using briar?

As for the caber room, I'm concerned making the bomb part easier by removing a bomb or two will make it trivial. I'll mess around and see if I can come to something that's a little easier though.

109th Skywatcher

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Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Xindaris at 12-07-2017 09:33 PM]
12-07-2017 at 09:26 PM
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Dragon Fogel
Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2584
Registered: 06-21-2014
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icon Re: tv dinner (0)  
You could either do something with briar that doesn't grow, or use the briar growth in some way other than "fill the room with death". Or, you could make it about clearing construct/golem rubble.

The only reason I was willing to do that room in its current state was that I could find a stable position. If I had to actually make the slayer cut anything I'd get frustrated very fast.
12-08-2017 at 03:04 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3685
Registered: 10-06-2005
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File: tv_dinner_Chaco_comments.txt (10 KB)
Downloaded 42 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: tv dinner (+1)  


Literary criticisms...

More seriously, now, though, this was a fun hold. Felt a little bit easier than some of your other holds, but it was good tactics practice. There were a few rooms I didn't like (mostly 2S1W, 4S1W and 7S1E) but the vast majority of the rooms were enjoyable.

Attached here are some comments on every room...

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

01-04-2019 at 07:15 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3685
Registered: 10-06-2005
IP: Logged

File: tv dinner Chaco.demo (15.7 KB)
Downloaded 41 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: tv dinner (+1)  
...and attached to this post are demos for every room except 4S1W and 7S1E which I thought were too tedious/unfun in their current state to actually complete. At least right now. Maybe I'll get 4S1W done eventually but it didn't look... appetizing.

Eh? Eh?

*vaudeville hook drags me out of the room*

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

01-04-2019 at 07:16 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1610
Registered: 06-13-2015
IP: Logged
icon Re: tv dinner (+1)  
Thanks for looking through it all, Chaco. A few specific responses here:

Click here to view the secret text

109th Skywatcher

Here are some links to Things!
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-06-2019 03:56 PM]
01-06-2019 at 03:24 AM
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