So here's a big pile of comments for the first four levels I've solved. I feel like the first level is weirdly difficult, but maybe that was just me. Otherwise I'm really enjoying it so far. Plot isn't super deep, I guess, but pretty enjoyable, too.
Haven't really tried to solve any secret rooms yet, will do so after conquering the hold.
Demos attached. Also contains some demos for Imperial Tunnels, but I won't write up comments until I finish the level.
As I've mentioned, I've actually recorded my playthough, so I can upload that and send you the link. It's a lot of footage, though (about 4 1/2 hours already).
×Time Split Research Area:
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×This actually felt like the level containing the hardest rooms in the hold so far, but maybe that's just because I had to get used to your style of architecture? I don't know.
1S: Nice and simple, neat intro
1S2W: I like the trick. Didn't really get the point of the briar in the west, didn't really seem to ever come close to being dangerous. The fire traps in the central room are not connected to anything?
2S: Can be (pretty easily) done with one time clone. Maybe add a challenge? Or just remove the other token altogether?
1S2E: Strangely easy? Probably okay for an early-game room though
1S1E: The first two orbs in the waterskipper area seemed pretty tight compared to the third and fourth. Otherwise neat room!
1S1W: Really cool puzzle! The pickaxe token is a bit hard to make out.
2S1E: Neat idea! The beginning is pretty tight, but once I've made it past the red gate, things get pretty simple. Is that intended?
2S1W: The lynchpin to kill the evil eye is brilliant and took me way too long to figure out. The rest of the room is a bit ... strange. There are these little traps, but none of them seem to add too much to the puzzle and instead force me to repeat big section of the room. Also the whole thing looks a bit too intimidating for my taste. Maybe that's just me, though?
River Valley:
Nice and simple level, no major comments here. Haven't managed to reach the secret room yet.
Is any background image for the map planned?
Nowhen: (cool name, by the way)
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×General: Orange chronovores have weird killing behaviour. I managed to kill one with real Beethro in 3S1E, but not in 3S2E. What is the intended behaviour? If it's the latter, maybe mention it in another dialog box? I was a bit surprised by that.
I also feel like especially the yellow and red chronovores still hold a lot more puzzle potential than there's currently in the level; most of the rooms still feel like introductory rooms. But that's probably okay since it's a introductory level in a way. Maybe there will be trickier ones later?
1S: Good introductory room.
1S1W: Possibly broken? Don't really need the pp under the token.
1S1E: I thought that behaviour was pretty intuitive. I feel like making clear that it's different for orange chronovores would be more interesting.
2S: Good, simple puzzle.
2S1E: Seemed pretty easy.
2S3E: Really cool! That's a mechanic I wasn't aware of. Neat way to introduce it without being too hard.
2S2E: Good enough, though I expected to actually have to cut the whole snake in one turn. Good thing I didn't had to

3S2E: Decent introduction, but yeah, what I mentioned above
4S2E: Good introductory room. Dialog keeps repeating after you clear the room, though.
5S2E: Pretty neat, makes good use of the wall breaking mechanic.
5S3E: Not sure about this. I guess you wouldn't need the blocking mechanic, and then it's basically just a blind horde room? Wasn't as bad as it looked, though, so I guess it's okay.
4S: A bit finicky but not too bad.
3S3E: Looks more intimidating than it is. Haven't tried to reach the secret room yet, but it doesn't seem too bad.
5S1E: Nice to see that trick used again

Might actually be my favourite room of the level.
4S1E: This room seems pretty broken, unless the red door is just a herring of the same colour. The layout seems too open to decently fix it, though, and I don't know if it's worth it.
3S: For some reason I needed ages to find the pressure plate. Also you pretty much just have to do the same thing four times. Otherwise pretty neat.
Overgrown Ruins:
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×Seems to contain quite a few pure hack and slash rooms, but they are pretty good, so I don't mind.
Entrance: Looks like it could be annoying, but is actually pretty fun.
1S1W: Never really felt like the briar was a threat to me. Maybe make the timer a bit tighter?
1S2W: Probably got lucky here, got through it pretty quickly.
1S3W: Pretty glad that was the first of its kind I've given a real try. Not too hard with a mirror.
1W: Nice and easy hack and slash room.
2S1W: Pretty obvious what needs to be done and the wraithwing / adder manipulation was a bit finicky, but I still really enjoyed it.
2S2W: Worked better than expected, but probably a good choice to make this secret.
2S1E: Fun spear horde room. Hasn't been overdone yet, so I'm happy with that.
2E: Daggers and brains. Neat!
1S2E: Really cool idea. I guess it could've been made a bit trickier, but it was definitely fun.
1S3E: Kind of longish but pretty fun.
2S2E: I like that weapon, and I definitely have to give ToBB a better look. This is a good introductory room.
3S2E: Neat puzzle, but was able to solve it with only three bubble rubbles.
1S1E: Nice and simple. Needed two tries for the challenge, though it's not actually that much harder.
1E: Broken. No need for the decoy in the western chamber, since you can just explode the keg next to the orb using your caber. Then you can place the decoy on the conquer token and you're basically done. I'm also not sure if my "intended" solution is intended. It feels like it isn't, but if it is, it's really cool.
2S: Felt a bit repetitive, but not too bad.
3S1E: Briar in this room is probably fine.
3S1W: Not sure what the doors in the chambers are for; aren't the force arrows enough? Also not entirely sure if what I did was intended, but I used all of the decoys, so I guess it's fine?
3S2W: Challenge got awarded though I didn't do it.
EDIT: Updated demo file, containing a few more demos.