Hi. I'm one of the Hold Administrators, and I just played through your hold.
It's an unwritten rule that holds on the Architecture board are typically given Anyone-Edit status so that people can view the entire hold at a glance. You've currently set it to Only You, so nobody can ever see the hold in the editor, even after conquering or mastering it.
The hold is conquerable, although I didn't play through all the levels. I'd recommend putting a blue door in front of the stairs in Jail Level: Quarce West so that the player has to conquer all the rooms in the level in order to get at the stairs.
Red doors raise after leaving the room and returning to the room, as the trapdoors reset themselves. In order to allow backtracking past these doors, you may want to consider adding force arrows to let the player past them in one direction, or making the red doors block monsters which are required to be killed in order to drop a green door (which will always stay dropped)
Also, the northern staircase in Living Quarters: The Entrance ends the hold, even though the level description says there's more to the hold after that level. In a hold that's Anyone-Edit, testers can see the other levels in a hold even if they can't get to them in-game.
You're doing fine for your first attempt, so don't be discouraged. It takes a lot of work to properly finish a hold.
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Chaco at 07-13-2008 03:50 AM]