Schik wrote:
jamie wrote:
Is "javascript:" meant to be there ? I thought that was used when calling javascript from a href, not inside a js action tag..
Ummm, I dunno. Took it out. Does it work now?
Thanks for doing that.. It still didn't work for me though! So, I've done some investigating, and googling.
Firstly, it is correct without javascript: inside the 'src' (and now it works fine with mozilla whilst it wasn't (for me) before)
However, konqueror still isn't working with it. Although konqueror is meant to grok javascript, and does so normally, it doesn't seem to like setting the .src on a click.. Never mind, it's a konqueror problem!
By the way, I used "
DOM inspector"
to 'drill down' to get the 'actual' values straight from the horses mouth.
It's a lovely program for checking DOM issues.
Especially when you click on a particular part of the tree down the left hand side, and it makes a brief flashing red box around the relevent part on the page (in the bottom subwindow), and then you can change the right hand side to show "
values or "
javascript object"
values (all the relevent links usable in a js context, including parent/sibling/child references) for each individual element, including the effect after JS has run (you 'browse' in the bottom subwindow)
Ok, a bit geeky, but definitely a good tool for tracking JS/DOM issues!
Again, thanks for actually changing that so quickly...
Who needs an infinite number of monkeys when we have Schik ?
Disclaimer: I'm Welsh, left-handed, and stupid.
[Last edited by jamie at 11-12-2005 03:59 AM : rusty spoons]