Amazing Contest Discription:
Architect's seem to like rooms made in a maze style but any maze type levels or labyrinth level seems to get a thumbs down."
The result is that no one builds level size mazes anymore."
I have only come across a few holds with levels made in a maze fashion."
What we really need is to create a maze style hold that players will acturally like."
What don't they like about the maze layout anyway?"
Is it too much wandering without purpose and not enough linch pin challenges?"
Do our players just want one room after another of puzzles or will a good story line get them into the maze idea. "
Maybe it needs to be in the sytle of "
Nightmare Rose"
as past contest entry. Or, have clues that need to be found like "
. What will make it so fun they just won't leave?
Amazing Contest Discription: The Challenge!
You Have Reached
The Challenge!"
While everyone hates maze holds you need to make one they will like"
The idea is to get your concept across. So you don't have to build a giant hold now but build one to show us why it would be fun."
You have to convince us that no matter how big your hold is that it will be fun."
Amazing Contest Discription: The Rules for Hold Building!
You Have Reached
the Rules for Hold Building! Did you see The Challenge?"
Huh um! cough.. Cough"
Firstly, the hold must be at least 20 rooms but can be as big as you want but is restricted to only one level. Let's leave the multi-level maze holds to another contest."
Secondly, with 20 rooms needed to make the hold you do not have to have puzzles in every room, but there must be at least ONE monster, in the hold that you need to kill to be able to exit the level. I recommend using the blue door to block the exit but you don't have to."
Maybe you think it is fun to have misleading green doors, I don't think so, but it is up to you."
Thirdly, you can use any element included in the TCB version. That includes scripting but excludes any images not included in the release. Save your family photos for another contest."
Fourthly, the hold must be beatable. So each room should be beatable unless that is part of your maze concept that some room do not need to be beat, in that case you can have some that are unbeatable."
Fifthly, because this is a contest and there is a time limit for judging I recommend that you limit how long it takes the average player to do your hold. Keep in mind this is a concept hold and doesn't have to be the whole thing."
Sixthly, while it is not required, I recommend you be ready to post demo's of the more challenging rooms. You don't want anyone to get stuck in a room and miss the whole maze idea do you?
Seventhly, keep it clean, I mean watch your language we have children around you know!."
Amazing Contest Discription: The Rules for Submitting!
When your hold is ready you can post it right
OVER HERE on the submission thread where you can edit it up till the submission period ends.
Amazing Contest Discription: Contest Ends!
This contest ends on Septender 32th 2008 and you will have 12 days to judge them in."
Amazing Contest Discription: Judging!
Judging is very important remember all 4 rules."
1.) Judge how much fun the whole maze was not just the puzzles in it."
2.) Did it make you want to keep playing? Did it pull you in?"
3.) Remember a final maze could have been much larger but did the concept come across."
4.) Give yourself a 10 but did anyone do better than you? Then give them 10 too. Let's not hurt their feelings so no ones please, unless they really blew it."
Amazing Contest Discription: PRIZES FOR EVERYONE!
We have great prizes for the winners! And for the rest of you too!
1st place winner gets
'465,908'Greckles. Good enought to shine your sword and get a night on the town with a friend.
2nd place winner gets
'13,345' Greckles. Good enought to get a new shirt"
3rd place winner gets
'1,052 Greckles'. Good enought to get a sandwich and a drink.
Are you a First time player? Then just for entering an official contest for the first time we want to give you
'103 Greckles', have some eyeball pudding on us.
Here are 251 Grubble's just for playing. Check out their worth at
It would have been more fun to do the maze...."
(994 words