No, actually I meant that you're not legally allowed to copy or derive images from any of the tileset images - that includes City pits, Foundation walls, or basically anything that involves taking a screenshot of the room and turning it into an image.
could you please tell me which rooms are "tedious" and which rooms "use the new game elements" to make more annoying rooms.
Sure, since you asked so nicely
I won't list every room, but I'll give some examples of what I'm talking about.
The First and Only Level:
Quarce North Once East - Not sure why you have so many fegundoes in the room - the only puzzle in the room is figuring out how to rotate the arrows four times.
Twice North Quarce West - I don't know how the player is supposed to find looking for the correct orb and walking around killing all the brains fun. There's no challenge.
Septence North - Okay, even if it were interesting to figure out how many moves it takes to get to the north side, there's no point, since there are no monsters and thus the room is conquered on entry. If this hold were published, this room would be considered "
since you can enter from the south, then come back out. You could put a Conquer Token and a green door at the top if you wanted to make this room highscoreable, but I'd suggest taking out some of the builders. As it is, the room just takes way too long.
Octence North Once East - We do have the minimap for those walls, but dodging Slayers is something that requires you have the ability to see yourself and the Slayers, even if the wisps are quite visible.
Septence North Twice East - You're not making it very fun for the player here. I can't speak for others, but searching in a room full of tar for something is just annoying and boring.
Quarce North Quarce East - The only challenge in the room at all is finding the secret wall.
Sence North Thrice West - The wall shadows and the minimap are all you get. Even if you used a non-copyrighted image, this still wouldn't be fun to wander through.
Not the first and only level:
Once North - I have a hard time believing that you think walking along long paths with the occasional guard kill is fun.
Overall, this hold lacks a spirit of generosity. The hold seems to be just saying to the player "
Betcha can't get past this, eh? Eh? Okay, now you'll have to do this! Now it's time to do THIS!"
Instead of having puzzles that require discovery and thought, you've got rooms like Quarce North Thrice West, Novence North Twice East and Thrice North Sence West where you just kill a whole bunch of monsters.
Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of the rooms are just here because you wanted that tetragonal snowflake-shaped level. To be honest with you, I'd much rather play through ten well-made rooms than a hundred poor-quality rooms.
Now, there are still a few good areas of this hold. The First And Only Level Sence North Thrice East is actually a bit tricky, and needs to be done properly. You need to know what will happen in advance for rooms like Not the First and Only Level: Twice North and Thrice North. I just think you should focus on the parts where the player needs to manipulate or dodge, rather than the parts where the player needs to find their way through the sneaky image maze or find their way through the darkness or go kill a bunch of evil eyes or roaches.
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text