Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 535
Registered: 06-28-2005
IP: Logged
Re: Passing of the Hold (0)
Ok, Now 2S4W is possible. That's good.
However, at some point (I don't know exactly when), 2S1W was changed, and it is definitely not possible now, because there can never be any way to kill the snake.
ALL of these problems will be AVOIDED ENTIRELY if you just MAKE SURE YOUR ROOM IS POSSIBLE! If you change ANYTHING - TEST IT AGAIN! Do NOT release a room that has been changed AT ALL since you have beaten it! Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude (and this isn't just directed at you, tokyokid, either), but there is no excuse for this. It is not your testers' job (or anyone else's job) to make sure your rooms are possible - it is your job, and your job alone to make sure your room is possible. It is your testers' job (for example) to help you find trivial (or alternate) solutions, or voice their opinions on various aspects of your rooms.