Well, really only in the most technical sense, that stairs bug with the level 2 exit is still there. Consider this a hybrid of a victory post for the first third of the hold and a bug report.
Impressions so far (up to level 3, beginning of level 4)
Click here to view the secret text
×First Level: Overcoming the psychological barrier of a level left unsolved for 8 years is difficult, to say the least. Lots of really clever puzzles using only roaches and roach queens. Standout rooms: 1S1E,1N,2E
Second Level: Really clever structure to this one, it's like a series of 3 mini-levels. Theme here is evil eyes and wubbas. Lots of wubbas.
Standout rooms: 3S,3S1E
Third Level: A wraithwing level. This one seemed really intimidating at first, but was probably the easiest one (so far, but from what I've heard of the later levels, nothing easier is coming.)
Standout rooms: 2E, 2W, 1S (primarily for the dialogue, though it's a clever puzzle too), 1N1W
Fourth Level: Snakes. Oh god snakes. Haven't completed it yet, so no impressions.
Once (adv.): Enough.
Twice (adv.): Once too often.
~Ambrose Bierce,
The Devil's Dictionary
[Last edited by Pinnacle at 05-31-2014 10:34 PM]