Really enjoying this hold. I've found a few anomalies...
In L1 2N3E (peg solitaire) the solution I have, if I complete the last move, closes the (previously opened) door on the remaining roaches. The botch fix was to only move the peg half way. I think it's something to do with traversing the final square multiple times, so I'm not sure what the fix would be.
I wonder if it's possible to redo L1 1S1E (the water measuring puzzle) without the 4 gallon column. This would remove an unintended solution
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×Measuring out 2 gallons, pouring that into the 4 gallon jug, then another 2 gallons. The point of the puzzle being you don't
have a 4 gallon jug

In L2 2S2E there's an unintended solution
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×There's just enough room to shorten the snake by trapping it in the top right corner, and finishing it off further down, without entering the puzzle. Some well placed obstacles to prevent this, perhaps...
In L2 2E has an unintended solution
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×You can open a door and step back out of it before Halph blocks the way behind you, thus meaning you can reach the eye considerably quicker by going directly to it, opening side doors when the colour is inconvenient. Another wubba to prevent backtracking?
[Last edited by StuartK at 06-25-2005 01:56 PM : Added L2 2E exploit]