Have finished the main hold. Might be a while before I get to all the secrets; some of those are pretty tough. Excellent hold. It really leads you by the hand asthe difficulty level increases. For the most part. There were a couple of rooms that were markedly more tricky but that's what the H&S board is for.
2N5E & 2N6E Both become pretty easy if you wait for the right time to strike the orb. Or is that intended? In that case, neither room requires the lower trapdoor alcove and 2N5E doesnt need the middle wall. (As I see ads already mentioned.)
1S Checkpoint placement could be improved, maybe at 13,19 and 2,22?
4E Did not require broken wall at 11,15. Intended?
5S1E Not everyone uses UU so a checkpoint around 26,26 for the end game bit (which for me was the hardest to figure out) would be appreciated.
4S1E First room I needed help on. Was using the completely wrong shape to generate the baby horde and needed a nudge in the right direction. But good room.
1N3E I used the queen twice. Was this intended? It felt a bit messy, but maybe that was just my messy solution. A fun room all the same.
3N so much fun
4N2E is the 2x2 gate a red herring?
Note: my entry for the 10x10 contest is similar to one of your rooms in UF. I did create it before playing through your hold. (Really enjoyed that level btw, though for me it was generally easier than earlier levels.)