Alright, there's getting to be a rather silly number of versions of this hold attached to this thread. To prevent anyone from going bonkers after finding they spent time playing an outdated version... please remove all the out-of-date attachments. The convention in this forum is to keep the current version of the hold attached to the top post.
This hold has gotten much better, but thank goodness for quote reply, so I didn't have to retype all the stuff that didn't get fixed.
hold description: "
The Remira Tunnels:
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×Level Description: "
As Beethro is going back to the surface, he comes across a strange set of tunnels. They are wrecked, and it seems like an army of slayers blew through here. Oh wait, all the slayers are dead. Right?"
The Entrance
speech: "
And I thought going back up would be easy."
1S - Thank you for removing the scripting. Much better now.
1S1W and 1S2W - I enjoyed the secret version where you challenged me to drop the trapdoors and kill the monsters in a single pass.
For the nonsecret version, I can see why you added all those extra trapdoors, as that makes killing all the monsters and escaping a teeny bit challenging. But dropping all the trapdoors in order to pass through the room later is tedious and not fun. I'd recommend removing the red doors from the nonsecret version.
1W - Thanks, I like this room better with real mimics.
1S1E - Thank you for removing the scripting from this room. Now it is clear from the beginning what I'll have to do. Is it okay with you that the player can kill all the goblins on the force arrows before entering the main chamber (as Jacob pointed out)? I noticed another US: you can stand on (6,5), rotate your sword to close the door, and then kill the goblins there as they come and get stuck on the force arrow. You could stop me from doing this by making the orb at (30,6) close
both doors in the conquer token area.
2S - Thank you for removing the darkness from this room.
2S1W - I like that you've done something different with this secret room. It's a nice idea for a puzzle, but there's a rather unwieldy number of roaches in there. If it's possible to do that same idea with fewer roaches and a shorter adder, I think it would be more fun. In any case, it needs checkpoints. At least one in the open area close to the first pressure plate, in case the player finds he needs to kill more roaches or make the adder longer before going in there.
3S - Now not everything fries when I wait in the entrance. Challenge: pretend there's a bomb that will blow you up if you wait in the entrance and solve it in the editor without the speed potion.
Speech on the way out of the level:
he killed many"
too much"
The cutscene continues too long after the speech part is over.
Overall, this level has gotten much better.

Lunacy Chambers:
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×Level Description: "seem"
2W - There's no need to open the yellow doors with the arrows after solving the room.
3W and 4W are still pretty similar. In 4W, there's no need to access the orbs in the middle (I can go out the way I came in) and thankfully no need to drop all those trapdoors.
Also, in 3W and 4W, you use scripting to enforce the condition that I kill the brains last. I always prefer nonscripted methods for this kind of thing. For example, you could have one brain in a force arrow trap that could only be escaped if a green door opened when I killed that brain.
3,000,000 feet under the ground.: (note: if you leave that period in your level name, it will look really weird in the H&S forum search)
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×Level Description: "You descend the stairs... and descend... and descend... But finally you reach the bottom of a really deep pit."
This level is not too dark any more, but there's still too much fog for this floor type. Could you please turn the fog down a notch?
3S3E - Just a note about scripting. When you have a working set of stairs, a "go to level entrance" script is completely unnecessary.
The ascent.: (note: if you leave that period in your level name, it will look really weird in the H&S forum search)
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×Entrance - Why is darkness needed in this room?
speech: "there's an old rusty keyhole" "my sword's stuck" "there is no point going back"
level entrance text: "further up"
speech: "pretty sure"
scripting: why not set the stairs to the correct destination and lose the "go to level entrance" script?
2N - The clone in the northeast makes it possible to skip the second set of stairs and skip the wubba section of this room.
3N - The backtracking problem is fixed, and now I have to use the fegundo. In fact, I can use the fegundo to kill everything and ignore the clone potion.
The Chosen One Test
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×Thank you for removing all those ugly blue image walls and image pits. Now I can see where I'm going.
1N - Oooops! One little rectangle of blue image wall got left behind in this room.
speech: "
It's not my sword but it will do."
1N2E - I like the idea in this room, using skimmies to survive a horde of monsters. Not sure why you chose golems, though. That group of golems could be defeated safely without the help of the skimmies.
I just noticed that these skimmies are not required targets. I think you should make all skimmies required targets just so the player doesn't get too confused.
1S1E - Note that the player does not need to remove all the tarstuff when conquering the room, as he can exit back north. The skimmies were annoying here.
speech: "
I'm Areano the smitemaster."
3S2E - The force arrows and yellow door to the baby generator area are unnecessary. The one SW arrow and the black door are sufficient to force Beethro to enter the stalwart area last.
speech: "
scroll: "
never got past"
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Did you mean "
? (That's another place on the official
map of the Eighth.)
speech: "
I've gotta warn..."
Did you mean "
want smitemasters and stalwarts"
or "
warn smitemasters and stalwarts"