I know it was buggy when I undated because colours for orb association/errors completely disappeared and I couldn't tell at all. One of the orbs in 5N 9E shoul of opened the yellow door leading out to the South.
Which is a complete dog turd of an event because it's fine in my version.
Fix for Tuesday since I only have Monday to do anything.
Burp. Sorry, going to update it Friday evening. Checking a few things as of now.
Slight alterations. Not going to add some of the secret rooms I've done just yet. Some of them are kind of hard. Because I played through The Plant Twice, I made some changes for the better.
What I've done.
The Sewerways
2W - Fixed. I would of missed that.
The Dark Tunnels
I haven't made a new room for 1N7E. I keep forgetting...
Mud Vein
1W2E - generously added checkpoints.
I hope nobody tried the secret room...

It's hard. I'm not saying that casually. Hard and time consuming. I'm not going to use it.
The Plant
5N1E - was required, not anymore. Removed Tar Mothers. Backtracking through 5N is quite a pain in the rear admiral.
4N8E - puzzle that kept of forgetting to alter. You'd get stuck in this room, that's fixed, also Black Door does actually have a purpose now.
5N9E - fixed so orb opens yellow door to south exit so you don't get stuck.
1N9E - Black Door changed to Yellow Door. Objective is the same, but you don't have to hack away at mud.
Various checkpoint changes.
2N9E - a move the checkpoint closer to the fuse, but only moderately so. I moved the other check point out the mud mother.
2N - it can be a pretty quick room. It can be a long room if done badly. It was originally a DROD:AE room and didn't have a checkpoint in that, so I think I know why you want me to add a useful checkpoint. The original intended checkpoint for this version of the room is back in, but it isn't that useful other than for post solution/pre room cleared cock-ups.
3N 3E - required room. Allows for easier backtracking if solved to east and west sections. *Note fix map room. Umm..*
3N 5E - changed for easier level roaming.
3N 4E - map room. Has mini map image of rooms - all required rooms, but of course doesn't show every room. It's JtRH style if you're wondering about the colours.
Shilon's Plates
1S - made slightly easier in the 1st part efficiency department.
1N1W - considering removing all of the trapdoor tiles. I haven't done it yet. Originally it had all trapdoor tiles but I worked it out that it was unsolvable because of the number of times you had to go backwards and forwards on the narrowest points. It's doable, but it's tricky as it is. Might be too tricky still.
Will update first post when I time...
Sit and daydream, and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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× They call me Raging Demon because I'm Jab, Jab, Short, Towards, Feirce.
[Last edited by Yellow_Mage at 08-03-2007 04:09 AM]