Doh... I had all this information on a little text pad about my intentions of this hold. I had to leave my house really quickly after I uploaded. :S
There is only one level the require you to vist more than once and that is the Guilderhood. You have to revisist it 4 times, then the Blue Door drops (after you kill the last set of Roaches). Not all the rooms are needed in the Guilderhood. It's actually linear so there should be no confusion, but it makes you explore a bit. You don't (have to) revisit any other floor (Sewerways is a go-between so it feels that it had some geographic depth. Kind of.

There was one/two other level/s that I made you have to visit more than twice because it had two floors, but I got rid of it because I felt it was too confusing.
Original blurb that I forgot I wrote:
Hold Name: The Legend of Master Hunter
Length: Epic
16 Levels, but how it made it may seem that there are more...

Difficulty: Very difficult I believe. I have this problem you see...
I wanted to do something strange and new, but oldskool at the same time.
Synopsis/ self appreiciation: I wanted to make a dungeon that was post JTRH overall difficulty [edit: been a while, I might play Agarius' hold

], but still accessible to people who haven't played it [Edit: what was I thinking?

]. No story breaking/making (terms of canon), and you could say it in another dimension but it still smells like the DROD universe.
(For the most part) I wanted to create thematic levels. Some of the new stuff in DROD I liked very much (kudos) so I might of gone on a homage spree with levels with the new monsters, but I haden't played any killer rooms that used X monster as a theme, so I did it.
This kinda testing my building skills because this is my first ever released hold, even tho I have made/lost/broke/indefinitely held 5 of them, and I built them differently. The [level building] process I made was to make the whole level first, then I put the puzzles into the rooms. The only problem with that I kept on adding rooms rather than subtracting and it got hella big. But at least it looks pretty (somewhat).
Some minor puzzly scripting fuzzyness.
Finally, I wanted to see if a hold could handle my idea, using the use of multiple of stairs that i made in my previous hold for DROD:AE [Not as bad as it sounds]. So so much easier to do. That hold carried the name The Search of Master Hunter. Not going to finish because I made it rediculously hard because I was thinking "
everyone would think its too easy"
. That's was aaaagggges ago. Playing it now nearly made me punch my laptop screen off it's hinges. However that had some nice rooms which I wanted to carry over into this one, but I ended up making more original rooms. (so far only 7 rooms carried over. It was suppose to be easier work for me.) Vaguely similar story, but as opposed as search for him, he hunts you out...
NO HALPH. My friend hates him so he isn't it (he keeps asking me this question when I make a new level). I had no intention of using him because you could have a very similar effect by scripting. I think. Who needs him anyways? He just slows you down...
Story (well it need one)
Beethro went to the Smitemaster's Guild (not affialiated with Thee Smitemaster's Guild) because it was market day. Conicidentally he also recieved an old letter (post marked 18 Moons/Cycles ago) from Master Hunter the day before. It was more than odd because Hunter dissappeared many yeahs/years ago (actually 3 but who's counting?). He had no reason to go to the guild, as it was out of his way, and hadn't been there for a long time, but he was somehow compelled to go. Maybe it was the smell of the food, and the wine, or maybe it was getting that strange letter that made he go... Master Hunter had a reputation that went with the Smitemaster Guild (literally, as soon MH disappeared...) Beethro was no detective, but has a nose... a nose for... nosing around in all kind of things.
I could kill some time, and boy, I AM hungry..."
Approaching the Guild it was very different from what he remembered. Mainly people were more friendly. He had passed from stall to stall, trying food, and forgetting the reason why he was here. The shadows that he thought were put to the back of his mind, and the ones that were following him...
And he fell... and he fell...
Oh yeah, nearly important thing...
Who is master hunter?"
A:Once was a Smitemaster who dissappeared over the years....
He got the titled because he created the fabled Double Sword of Doom (It had a better name, but Kabab Sword of Devlish Bane wasn't acceptable as it was kinda vague description)
He was undefeatable until he entered the Hidden Hold of Depth, where no one has heard from him since then. until...
Rumours turned... from Whispers.. voices... came from the Deep talking about him...
Well, really, he became an Architect, and created Holds himself. He's got a thing against delvers for some reason now, and thats about it.
I just though what I should do: delete The Guilderhood and release the other levels. That makes more sense.
I will be working on a new level because I removed one and I think it would be sadistic to have the mud level come up so close to the tar one. So next update would be chunky.
Sit and daydream, and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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× They call me Raging Demon because I'm Jab, Jab, Short, Towards, Feirce.