I was playing this hold last night with a view to writing a critique. (I've never passed comment on anyone else's holds before, despite many people helping me out with mine, so I felt a bit bad and thought it was time to start!) However my version of drod broke while playing it, suggesting it might be buggy.
It's quite a fun hold and I like how you've included your own additional challenges throughout. Is there some way of scripting events when the player manages theses challenges, cos otherwise there is not much fun in adding an extra few imaginary greckles.
Some of the comments I can remember: you'll need to check some of your English and spelling, e.g. "
rather than "
, "
instead of "
etc. The speech does not match the subtitles. The contents of some of the sms messages don't make much sense also. Level 2 contains a room with an inaccessible tar mother (1 or 2 E) and I therefore was unable to complete the level. Level 3 has a room where there is a mimic potion in the middle of a checkerboard of trapdoors, which looks challenging to have to maneuvre the mimic while dropping those doors, however you can just move right into an open space, making the checkerboard irrelevant. Level 3 requires you to advance down 3 width tar, with mothers, on trapdoors, which seems impossible to me, but I may be missing something. The difficulty varies quite a lot within each level and some rooms on level 1 are harder than some on 3, and so on so you may wish to re-jig that. Overall, nothing too groundbreaking, but a pretty fun hold (so far)
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