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icon What If...? (+3)  
Feeling a bit curious, I opened my copy of DROD 1.5 about an hour ago just to take a quick look back at what DROD used to be, and watch the ending once more. Then, inspired to go back further in time, I dug out my copy of Webfoot DROD, just to play for a short while.

The result during that single half-hour session was a dose of nostalgia so large that it really caught me by surprise. I have so much of it that I even feel compelled to share it with you, the Forum, so explaining why I am posting this message.

One of the effects of playing the old Webfoot DROD was to make me think of all the coincidences that led me, through time, from the first time I played DROD, to me now sitting here, posting my thoughts in this message. Of course, my first thought was to imagine what might have happened if Erik had not made that decision to try and re-write DROD from scratch once more, a decision that, with retrospect, I'm sure has affected thousands of people in some way and will allow Erik's creation to become famous, like he once intended. If Erik had decided not to, even just once and meant it seriously, none of this would be here today.

I then thought about what mysteriously lucky events had led me to DROD and becoming so involved with it. I guess the starting point of all of it, as I said once long before, was getting the Smash 100 Games CD (which I think I still have, actually) and discovering the demo of DROD on it. At the time, I didn't actually understand what it was, so after a play or two, I just gave up and forgot about it.

However, the second important thing that happened was getting the inspiration one day about two years later to find that CD and play DROD just once more (out of curiosity). If I'd not done so, or even ignored it, I would have not discovered the full potential of DROD at all. This is because after that, I completed the demo for the first time (with much elation after beating L3 1S 2W) and then tried to see if I could purchase a copy of DROD for myself, being very impressed by it. Of course, this wasn't possible, as Webfoot had stopped selling DROD by then, so I couldn't buy it anywhere. Luckily, I managed to find it, after a bit of searching, on the Underdogs website, which allowed me to start making further progress into the dungeon.

After reaching L22, some time later, I finally gave up again because manipulating so many mimics was just too difficult for me. I probably would have just stopped entirely for a while, had I not noticed a little announcement on the page calling for testers for the 1.5 alpha release. Although I'd been involved slightly with thinking up a bunch of new challenges for DROD, I was actually afraid of getting too involved, just in case the developers weren't very nice, and the testing process too technical for me, so I didn't apply at first. However, one day shortly after, I made that important decision to pluck up the courage to ask to join. Had I been refused, I'd probably have not touched DROD for a very long time, but fortunately, this was not so. That particular event was also even more lucky for me, in a way, since shortly after that, the notice went down for more testers, so I just got in as the last tester to join. If I'd discovered DROD even just one or two weeks later, or not dared to ask, I'd have missed that opportunity completely, and never managed to join in on the early stages of the DROD revival, or subsequent events in helping the community grow.

From then on, it was an escalation towards more DRODding. Feeling so involved made me want to contribute as much as I could to the project, so that, I guess, is what definitely made me into the DROD fan posting here right now.

So, I don't know if you can feel my nostalgia, or if you think that perhaps I attach too much emotion to this game to be good for me, but I hope you gain something out of it nonetheless. I don't know if anyone out there feels anything similar, or even wants to reply to this, but I'd like to ask anyway if there were any important coincidences and decisions you made that led you here to DROD. Can you imagine what would have happened if you'd missed them or decided differently?

What did you do to let DROD into your life?

[Edited by agaricus5 at Local Time:01-05-2005 at 11:22 PM]

Edit: I clarified the really important bits by putting them in bold.


[Edited by agaricus5 at Local Time:01-06-2005 at 12:28 AM]

Resident Medic/Mycologist
01-05-2005 at 11:03 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
First of all, awesome idea for a thread!

The date of registration is actually my first day of discovering the new version of DROD. After reinstalling it on my computer and playing it, I went onto Google and search for DROD, expecting to find some creepy abandonware site (Now, I didn't know of the-underdogs yet, so I pictured all abandonware sites as very cheap, creepy jobs). Instead, I found What luck to find a website dedicated to this game! Even better, they offered a brand-new version of the game for free! Immediatly, I went to download the file, and immediatly started on KDD again. After clearing the first 3 levels easily thanks to my practice on the demo, I entered 4 with much delightment.

After a good 3-4 months, I finally beat the game. Immediatly I went to check out some of the holds lying around on the forum. All of them were amazing, and had so much detail put into them, that it simply amazed me. That's what inspired me to create my own hold around April. Sadly, it didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped, but it still focused on the one element I knew was most important - being fun to play.

Soon I realised that I wasn't the best hold-builder, which I'll admit is a gift that some people had. After scouring the forum, I found a couple of graphical mods. Interested, I took a look around in the data files to find a whole wealth of files to play around with. After creating my first mod, I joined DiMono's team in finishing off DRODIS. With it essentially done, I'm happy, looking back, that I joined the team. That was an awesome experience.

When the beta started to hit, I knew that with the forum's most active members gone, I would have a chance to take more of a leadership role around the forum. A couple weeks before I knew the beta would start, I launched my unofficial contest which, to my suprise, had a pretty good base. Once that was over, I thought hard on an idea for an official contest idea. I hesitated for a couple of days, thinking of all the worst-case scenerios in my mind of what the mods could say about my idea. Luckily, they were much nicer about it. When I launched it, I feared the worse, and that was a replay of August's contest. Instead, I received 14 amazing entries, with the majority coming from members participating for the first time.

Nowadays, I just hit back to school, but I have kept myself busy. I don't want to spill the beans, but I am starting to work with a very talented person right now on a new project. However, that's all I'm saying right now. No Matt C spilling the M&M's for me. Rest assured, however, I will be playing JtRH, checking out how to mod the game, with the help of Matt, Erik and Mike, and staying active in the forum. We have an awesome thing going right now. Let's keep that flame burning brighter than ever.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
01-05-2005 at 11:56 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
My Story,

On a very jolly christmas of 97 (I think..) A young me got a Smash 100 games CD (the same CD as what Agaricus was talking about) The first couple of day's I was trying out all of the game demos, which to my surprise almost all were worthy to play again someday. Unfortunatly, the CD made my comp very un-healthy when I popped it in, often freezing up and re-booting the computer when playing some games. After getting bored of playing the same type of demos (I played alot of demos by a guy named Steve Moraff I think, he talked to me and started popping up advertisements for his other games. I'd like to play some of his demos again, especially "Escape" or something like that) I scrolled down to the bottom of the folder page and found one called "Webfoot" which had the demo for webfoot drod. As a big newbie to computers, it took me a couple days to find out I had to use the numpad to move. After that difficulty, I was on my way. I remember myself coming home from school spending some time working my way through Level 2 which seemed impossible at the time. Then, one day, the CD was missing. My dad told me he lent it to my friend (Evil dad, years later I found out that he chucked because it kept on screwing up our comp) Couple years later I felt like playing it again, and found it on the underdogs. I got around to level 8, saw the infamous 3x Tar Mother room. I decided I'll take a break, never touched it again.

I finally got a better, faster computer couple months later and decided to get drod again. Which this time Caravel made an appearance, also I first make an appearance on the forum for a while, then I leave for a good 5 months. I thought about playing DROD again, actually, more confident into beating the game this time. DROD: AE was live and new when I checked the site, which by then I finally beat the game, and build some holds (the first couple were embarrassing, however, I did make some successful holds later with practise) Which by that time I posted regularly on the forum and got my post count up (at the time where rank/mod points didn't exist) Today I am DROD regular, posting time to time, and very excited about the upcoming release.
01-06-2005 at 03:57 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
On a very jolly day a few years ago (199 Somethng. Maybe 1999) I was looking through my cd's when suddenly I found one called 100 smash games. I was looking through the games and they were all very cool. Suddenly something called Webfoot DROD caught my attention. I opened it up and was blasted off to a cool game which i could barely play. Still it was fun. the only thing bad was that the saving on it did not work, who knows? Every few months or years I would get a little later in the game. I always got stuck in a certain room and I looked in the help file, and I could not find that special group it said to go to if I needed help on a certain room. One special, midday I got a new PC and remembered about Webfoot DROD, and thought I might try and find the website for it. I found and boy was I happy. (that now the saving works :D ) I finished the 3rd level and battled on to the end with help of kind users. I could not have beat it without them.
And now looking back, what would have happened to me if I never found that cd? What wuld have happened if Webfoot DROD slipped from my eyes and never found it on the cd? It woud never have a part in my life.. So yes I would like to thank erik , Mike and everyone for this super cool game.

[Edited by rowrow at Local Time:01-06-2005 at 05:34 AM]

B'hakhgra Du S'tra Moth'ness Ti!

[Last edited by rowrow at 02-05-2007 03:19 PM]
01-06-2005 at 05:06 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (+1)  
My story isn't as dramatic, and comes way back from the mists of time (that is, late 2004). Diablo and Diablo II are two of my favorite PC games, the only ones that I have played with regularity and consistency throughout the time following their release. I found sometime after getting D2, and have visited the site every couple of days ever since, ordinarily just to read the news unless I'm on one of my periodic playing binges. Sometime late last year, (October, I think) DiMono wrote a column where he mentioned DROD and gave an emphatic recommendation and exhortation to play it. I was burned out on D2 and in the mood for a game, so I thought what the heck, and got it. Time consuming fun ensued. I actually signed up for the forum *after* I beat it when I foolishly decided to try building my own hold. Anyway, here I am!
01-06-2005 at 05:28 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (+1)  
Stuwy wrote:
My Story,

On a very jolly christmas of 97 (I think..) A young me got a Smash 100 games CD (the same CD as what Agaricus was talking about)

Erik, you have to get a small (perhaps 3-4 level) demo onto a widely distributed game demo compilation. Many of us discovered DROD through this one CD, I remember, and so it's sure to attract a lot of people to eventually and discover the full version of JtRH.

After getting bored of playing the same type of demos (I played alot of demos by a guy named Steve Moraff I think, he talked to me and started popping up advertisements for his other games.

Aah. Steve Moraff!

I can still remember his exact words when his adverts first popped up on the screen, even though I haven't seen them in perhaps 2-3 years.

"Hi! I'm Steve Moraff. Call 800-VGA-GAME to get all the information on our brand-new games."

Resident Medic/Mycologist
01-06-2005 at 02:47 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (0)  
An old friend of mine showed me the game years ago. I totally fell in love with it right away. I had to get it. So, I got Webfoot DROD... played, loved it, became addicted to it.
After seeing the first post of this thread, I thought that I would dust off my old copy of Webfoot DROD and play around with it... just for old times sake. But... to my dismay... I can't find the CD. Since the release of Caravel DROD, I just have not used it. So, my DROD collection appears that it will be incomplete. What a sad evening that was.
I then sat down to play around with JtRH and it made me feel better again. Wow, how this game has evolved.
01-06-2005 at 04:11 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (0)  
Aaah... I wonder, when Softkey made the 100 Smash Games CD, if they realised what an impact it would have?

My story is similar to agaricus. I enjoyed the demo - it was the first game I played on that CD because it was the first one listed . I still remember the great feeling when I conquered the Firs Slightly Hard Room. I really wanted to order the full game, but unfortunately, Webfoot had no mention of a UK order price (they had French, German, Swiss, but not British) so decided not to bother.

Fast-forward from 96 to 2000 or thereabouts and I look at DROD again, Google it and find this place run by someone called Clayton Weiss. And a note from Erik Hermansen that he gave his blessing to have DROD downloaded from underdogs.

Like agaricus, I soon noticed the testing ad, and even though I was only on Level 14 or so at the time I decided to enquire. I was soon given access to the alpha copy if Caravel DROD and although I didn't find many bugs - this was when we still had to use Yahoo groups for drod discussion, and testing was all via email - I was asked if I would help suggest places for checkpoints in KDD.

After that I helped with the beta testing as well, joined the forum soon after it opened, and I've been here since. I saw the realease of AE, built a hold, realised I wasn't talented in that direction and went back to trying to play holds. I'm no great player, I still haven't finished many user holds, but this community is full of really great people and I can't seem to keep away. :)

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01-06-2005 at 04:46 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (0)  
Wow, it is a wonder DROD ever got such a community, because everyone almost forgets all about it, and then remembers it and gets hooked. (or gets hooked again, for those who had played Webfoot demo)

I found 1.5 on Underdogs a couple of years ago when looking for good puzzle games. I tried it but got bored by it then and *gasp* uninstalled it and forgot all about it. I still don't know what was I thinking back then. The a year later, I was again searching Underdogs for puzzle games and stumbled on DROD again (it was hard not to, it being the top rated puzzle game at that time). Played it a bit more this time, and then I got past the point of no return.(finishing Level 1 for me)
01-06-2005 at 06:14 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
I found webfoot DROD from the underdogs around 1998 or 1999 - I remember long evenings of my having to write term papers for early university courses and getting to it just as soon as I solve one more room. Really, just one more room and I get to it. Honestly. What, it's 2am already?

I remember downloading a windows 95 macro recorder which I used to solve the three tar mother room in level 8, essentially creating a makeshift checkpoint system. By the time I was done with that room, I knew I would stop at nothing to finish the game.

Then, I completed DROD to my great delight, and discovered the Angband scene; playing Angband was fun but programming it was more fun, and that quickly took over most of my "computer play" time.

Then, in 2002, I moved to America to get my graduate degree and quickly discovered that PHD studies take a lot more out of me than my undergrad studies did and I no longer have the mental energy or the possibility to make the time commitment necessary for programming as a hobby. But still occasionally I have some pockets of free time which I want to spend playing something intellectually challenging on my computer, and I remember DROD. So I go back to the underdogs and look it up again, and I see a new version is out. I also find a link somewhere to a review by Matthew Daly (who I briefly knew because we corresponded as both of us were trying to solve "Are We There Yet?" at the sime time and each of us was good at a different kind of puzzle so we traded hints a lot, but that's a digression). Anyway, the review said that DROD 1.5 had one of the most satisfying endings possible for a game. Now if you know me you know that that's the kind of temptation I can't really resist so I knew I had to solve DROD all over to get it done. But, having less time to commit to it than in my carefree BA days, I occasionally feel like a hint, and being very used to yahoogroups at the time thanks to Angband, I search it to see if there's a message group, find one, and sign up. Quickly I get a bit dissatisfied with it and think to myself, "I wish there was a proper webforum for this game, it sure deserves one". Then, I solved DROD 1.5, decided that Matt Daly was right about the conclusion, and keep getting the occasional mailing list post, but don't think about DROD a bit.

A few months later, after having seen I see an annoucement that a forum is going to be created, I think to myself "cool, I should join," and promptly forget about it. Then, February 3rd, 2003 comes and happens to be one of those rare days on which I don't check my email. On February 4th I see that I missed joining the forum on the very first day, and am really annoyed, but I figure I'll just join on the second day, no-one will notice. And then I discovered that Erik gave a free 1000 posts (which were used for rankings at the time) to everyone who joined on day 1 and I was the only person in the forum who didn't have them. Anyway, Erik rolled back the post counts a few days later and other people started joining so that all worked out.

Then came the public beta for DROD:AE where I became rather noticable due to the fact that I can complain a lot and a whole lot insistently than most other people. Also, I created the very first user hold, also becoming the pioneer of the "mindless slash-fest" as a DROD genre (not that all of Blorn was a mindless slash-fest, but the very first room included a section where you had to fight a set of queens from a safe corner that produce something like 28 spawn each cycle).

And that was it for a while, until I got an email saying asking if I'd like to help out building rooms for the new official hold, JtRH. Realizing that that would give me an opportunity to start complaining about stuff months before the beta starts, I said yes.

And that's the story of why the flow isn't in 2.0.

Well, sort of.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
01-07-2005 at 06:05 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (+3)  
Well, talk about old times. For some reason I went back to reading some of the old posts about DROD in the Yahoo group. Then I went even further back and browsed through the first discussion base for DROD fans - the newsgroup. It's amazing some of the stuff I found that I'd forgotten about.

One link I think lots of you might be interested in is the thread about Erik's original ideas for the sequel to DROD - written way back before Caravel DROD, in the days when was shiny and new. You can find it here.

That's not the only one though. Search that newsgroup for drod or deadly rooms of death and you'll find loads of great stuff.

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01-24-2005 at 09:17 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+1)  
Ugh. Reading that old stuff reminds me that Beneath did not get done, and I enjoyed shooting my mouth about future plans way too much. Character flaws sprouting out of that old post like weeds.

The whole thing puts me in a rather ruthless mood to get lots of JtRH stuff done today and basically ignore the "Predict the Future" messages for one more day. :)


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
01-24-2005 at 09:35 PM
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GI Joe
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
Well, I can't really wax nostalgic here, because I have only very recently (a few weeks ago) discovered DROD.

But here's my story anyway. One Saturday in the Fall of 2006, while I was very bored, I opened my email and found a newsletter from, a company publishing web-based games, downloadable games, and the like. Their feature that day was about a puzzle game called Eets. It sounded intriguing, so I followed the link, downloaded the demo, and played it for the rest of the afternoon. It was quite engaging, had charming graphics and sound, and just drew me in right from the beginning. (I would recommend it highly to all of you, if you haven't tried it already--it's being hosted on Caravel's site, too.)

As it turns out, Eets, like DROD, has an editor for players to create and share their own puzzles. Also like DROD, Eets has a thriving community and a website through which members can stay in touch and share their creations. While I was perusing the Eets website a few days later, I noticed that the creators of Eets mentioned that they had struck a deal with the creators of some game called DROD, and there was a link to the DROD website.

I clicked on that, and my world was changed. I am in love with DROD, and am very glad for the series of fortunate events that brought me in touch with the game and this community. I can't recall when I've had as much fun with any game before. Certainly I proclaim DROD to be the most interesting and fun puzzle game of all time. I can't wait for The City Beneath, and am overjoyed to hear that there will be even more emphasis on story and plot and such in that game. For me, the fact that DROD does tell a story and does have voices and all the rest of it, really makes DROD shine. DROD has charm and wit, humor and challenge. I can't get enough of it. To many more adventures to come: Hear, Hear!
10-22-2006 at 11:04 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (0)  
Well if no-one has said it before, welcome, GI Joe(resists bad pun's) Its always good to see new blood.
10-22-2006 at 11:22 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
I also can't really be nearly as nostalgic as Agaricus or eytanz, since I was usually excluded from the DROD scene by virtue of having a computer that didn't do what the program wanted it to do.

Probably the one event that started a large chain leading to me trying out DROD was Oneiromancer and Schik joining the N forum and having a bunch of highscore fights. This eventually led to a post in the "other games" section about DROD: AE and why it was so fantastic and cool. I, of course, checked it out, and then got sad because it looked so fantastic and cool and I couldn't use it. But, this guy did, if any of you remember him.

Occasionally I'd go to the website, look over the screenshots again, read the articles, and then sigh depressingly.

Fast forward a couple years. DROD has gotten another few threads in the other games section, and I've looked over them and also sighed. Then Oneiromancer starts a new one later and I finally decide to go complain that I have a Mac and can't play DROD. And then Oneiromancer goes "Oh, that's okay. We do, in fact, have a Mac version. Wanna beta test it?" And I'm all like "...Oh. Uh, sure."

And that's how I found DROD and eventually got pretty good at it. But, looking back, I sure wish I had found this sooner.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 10-22-2006 02:01 PM]
10-22-2006 at 02:00 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
Huh, I don't recall seeing this thread earlier, so I'm glad it got bumped.

For years I've been a regular at the live chat place ifMUD. Most people there have an interest in Interactive Fiction, both the old Infocom-era games and newer text adventures, but since ifMUD is live conversation, a rather small percent of the time is spent actually talking about IF, and the topics range all over. So at some point (in 2004?), a few people were playing and talking about DROD. I asked what sort of game it is, and they described how you need to apply logic to get all the monsters in most rooms, with orbs that open and close doors, and everything's turn-based. I knew just from hearing about it that this was a pretty awesome game, right up my line. Maybe even that game I'd been dreaming of. But I also knew that if I downloaded it right away, I would get instantly hooked. I had a few somewhat big school assignments due soon, and just trying the beginning of a game like this would put me at serious risk of completing none of them. So I did not play DROD.

And then in 2005 one day feeling slightly bored I was trying to think of something new to try, and I happened to remember hearing about DROD. I downloaded AE. I played through Dugan's Dungeon, staying up later than I ought several nights and getting through it rather quickly. I joined the forum, played A Quiet Place and Bavato's Dungeon (and noticed something strange, which turned out to be a hint of new plot developments coming). Made my own little hold. And then there was JtRH, at which point I gladly shelled out the money for the full version and DROD pretty much became a permanent part of my life.

I wanted to post this not only to put down the story, but point out how neat it is to me that there have lately been a number of mentions of the IF community here on the forum (okay, one of them was from me). Most prominently, this month's DROD contest was inspired by the rules of the annual IF Competition. The IF community led me to DROD, and looks like the DROD community is also introducing people to IF. Karma, or something like that.
10-22-2006 at 02:22 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+2)  
I didn't saw it either but...

About a year ago I came home from school. Another boring day. Luckily I didn't had that much homework. I saw, while I was making my homework, that my mother was playing a game. I thought, because I couldn't see it, that it was a game that she made with a program called "game maker". when I heared a strange noise of it, I asked what it was and what she was playing. (it seemed that that strange noise was, in fact, the sound of an orb :blush) She explained that it was a game called DROD (AE) and she also explained me the meaning of the game. I started playing it and it was really fun!! However, after a few months, I stopped because it was too difficult for me (I'm not very patient) and sometimes I played it but it wasn't actally fun anymore. I almost forgot about it, until one day, my mother downloaded the JtRH demo. It was FANTASTIC!! it had characters, voices and pretty good graphics and many new things. I played it, and I conquered the demo very quick, so I begged my mother for the full JtRH version and she bought it for me. I discovered the forum, and I actually joined it. After a few months, I was done with JtRH and I wanted to see more things of DROD, and I got a Caravelnet Membership. Since then, I couldn't stop anymore, I learned the rules of the forum, I learned how to make scripts, I even participated,in contest. Nowadays, I'm here, writing about how I discovered DROD. I don't know where I would've been if my mother didn't downloaded DROD:AE. DROD sure changed my life.

Drod Number: 3034; 8th person to see the Second Sky
10-30-2006 at 07:02 PM
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ErikH2000 wrote:
... and I enjoyed shooting my mouth about future plans way too much. Character flaws sprouting out of that old post like weeds.

You want character flaws? Who actually uses :-> as an emoticon? Seriously?

10-30-2006 at 09:49 PM
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10-30-2006 at 11:33 PM
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Well... I had posted my story i n the original thread, but to sum up:

HoTU -> DL -> Never looked back

I've yet to play another game since that day despite having, possibly, the largest compendium of puzzle games out there. 25 years of collecting and nothing comes close - a few come near, such as Supaplex, but none come close.

DROD has meant losing jobs, houses, friends and gfs. All worth it, of course, because the concept is simply perfect. Heaven is life with no VR, and a 38x32 grid.
10-30-2006 at 11:51 PM
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agaricus5 wrote:
I guess the starting point of all of it, as I said once long before, was getting the Smash 100 Games CD (which I think I still have, actually) and discovering the demo of DROD on it

Whoa. I got it from that CD as well!

I can remember on the Windows 95 (older-than-me) aunt's computer. I saw the 100 Smash Games CD and immeadiately thought of a guy with a hammer smashing bricks (well, I was close. DROD is a guy with a sword smashing roaches). I don't remember much of the music from it, because the speakers (somehow) had chewed up wire. And it wasn't plugged in. I remember making so much out of the demo, saving at the room in level 3 where you first see the mimics, and saving there, just to play it over and over again. And I watched the demos of level 8, wondering this 'tar' was. And I remember looking at the snake, wondering why the sword wasn't killing it on contact. All that was about in the year '99. Then, I got bored, played through the demo an amazing 81 times. Yes, I was counting. So I put the CD back, and then looked for it again at '03. Never saw it since the year of 1999.

So I googled DROD in late '03 (somewhere near there), and found this '' site (it was about the time when it looked like the title screen of AE with all the stone and the fancy.. oh never mind). Interested, I delved farther in and found DROD: Architect's Edition. Then, my very life changed. I played it, loved it, made so many levels (which were lost due to a computer crash), and then I played through many DROD holds. Then I got bored AGAIN.

So I googled DROD in early '05 and found that this 'DROD: Journey to the Rooted Hold' was out. I couldn't download it with a dial-up connection, so I waited. I finally decided to download it, which took the most of a day, and then enjoyed it for about 2 hours. Then my computer crashed from low memory (I think). I got so mad, I swear, I kicked the computer tower over.

So I googled DROD in early '06 and with a new, shiny DSL modem (with green blinky lights), downloaded JtRH. I was happy. Another thing, I got a new 56 gigabyte (compared to the 12 gig I had before) computer. Downloaded every hold on the Downloads Page and enjoyed them. Then over time, the greatness of playing DROD faded away (partly because my JtRH was so slow from all the holds). So I did some scavenging on It was nice, I read a few stories, checked a few links, then didn't go back on the site for a while.

So I googled DROD in mid '06 (April 15, to be exact) with the same DSL modem, 56 gig computer, and decided to enter the forums. It was the first forum I have ever entered, and I registered. It was great, I was posting so much, and I realized that the DROD community had so much in common with me: I only posted on things I could relate with, like Odd Jobs Novice (great one, Larry) and Chips Challenge (love that game, played it for at least 7 years). Then I started trying out some stuff on Development, Architecture and BAM! I was one of you.

So I googled DROD in midlate '06 I went back to the DROD site, about July '06, hungry for more DROD. So I heard about this KDD. I downloaded it, and I use this way more than JtRH now. Its faster, and I only use it for building holds, fighting through the SmS's and *grits teeth* Perfection (also a SmS but I really wanted to mention it).

That's pretty much my whole DROD story (my whole Chip's Challenge story would take up a page, so please don't make a 'How Did You Find Chip's Challenge' thread on the Electronic Games board). I hope you enjoyed it and found it somewhat funny. :P

Keep posting,

"The leaf, still green, must someday fall.
Such grief, such joy, to live at all."
- T.A. Barron, The Lost Years of Merlin

[Last edited by UrAvgAzn at 10-31-2006 02:47 AM : fixed up tag]
10-31-2006 at 02:47 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (+1)  
You really need to get a bookmark, UrAvgAzn.

Edit: Came here from Underdogs.

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[Last edited by Mattcrampy at 10-31-2006 04:34 AM]
10-31-2006 at 03:59 AM
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I found DROD through Underdogs too. I delved my way down 25 levels, and that would have been the end of it, but the damn ending bugged out! So I took to Google (or whatever I used back then) in the hopes that someone somewhere could help me. I figured it was like a 1000 to 1 chance, but I had to try because after all that work I really wanted to see the ending. Imagine my surprise to find a DROD community alive and well, and to have Erik himself try to help me with the problem.

(I never did get to see the ending. :( )
10-31-2006 at 08:36 AM
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icon Re: What If...? (0)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
You really need to get a bookmark, UrAvgAzn.

Edit: Came here from Underdogs.

So isn't the easiest thing to remember. ;)

Keep posting,

"The leaf, still green, must someday fall.
Such grief, such joy, to live at all."
- T.A. Barron, The Lost Years of Merlin
10-31-2006 at 12:04 PM
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I never realised nostalgia could be so incredibly infectious - it's great to hear about all your DRODistic tales (and confirm that the release of the Smash 100 CD was definitely one of the monumental events of last century). Keep posting your stories, DRODers!

Remlin wrote:
(I never did get to see the ending. :( )
If you want to see the newer 1.6 (DROD: AE) ending (I suspect 1.5 also has it, but I can't remember), just re-import your player file into 1.6 and go down the final stairs.

If you want to see the Webfoot ending, you can find a version of it here.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
10-31-2006 at 01:35 PM
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agaricus5 wrote:
If you want to see the Webfoot ending, you can find a version of it here.
Egad, Beethro moves right/left arm and leg up together, rather than opposing motion. This is a very unnatural and difficult way to dance. (Try running across a room or down a sidewalk while forcing your arms to move in the same direction as the corresponding legs.) But I guess there are just a few unnatural things about Beethro.

(My other hobby: swing dancing.)
10-31-2006 at 02:02 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+1)  
I was just reading this topic and noticed Krammers mention of and did a bit of searching and found this.

"Because of weirdness with DejaNews software I'm not sure if my first message got through. So pardon if I am repeating myself.

I would like to contact Martin xxxxxx, but his old e-mail doesn't work. Send e-mail to if you are Martin or can help me figure out how to reach him.

I'm only posting to because I know he used to read this group."

Hey, Erik, I know it's been 7 years, but better later than never. What did you want? :lol

Just to keep on topic, and probably to repeat myself - I saw Webfoot DROD on the Webfoot website, played the demo and bought it immediately. This was while there were still patches being released for it.

I was replaying it in 2003 when I decided to Google Erik's name to see if he had made a sequel, and ended up here. I've not played the Webfoot version since then, but DROD/JtRH is the only game I play these days. I'm crap at it for a couple of reasons, but I still love the game and play it far more than I ought to.
10-31-2006 at 09:33 PM
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icon Re: What If...? (+1)  
To tell you the truth, I got addicted by playing the Smash 100 CD forever ago too! However, I can't seem to find the original one that was on the CD online anywhere. I think it has the best and funniest depiction of beethro there is! If anyone has that original copy, let me know!
10-25-2007 at 07:16 AM
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necrobump. :?

Please, plese don't post in topis that are beyond page 2 or so. It's called necrobumping, it's annoying, and unless you have somthing really, REALLY REALLY, interesting to say, don't post in them.

I looked at the world through apple eyes
And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie
I danced with the peanut butterflies
Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye
10-25-2007 at 03:38 PM
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Although zonhin didn't say so, necrobumping is a terrible terrible sin that can not only result in serious changes being laid against you, but cause the universe to be divided by zero, and we don't want that happening do we? ;)
10-25-2007 at 03:43 PM
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