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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : New Sprite for Half-Awake Eyes (and a sound effect?)
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icon New Sprite for Half-Awake Eyes (0)  
Seeing Erik's post about the Evil Eye source code in the General forum reminded me that we do still have a "hidden" mechanic for Evil Eyes in the form of the "half-awake" state when the player is hasted. I propose the following changes which might help indicate this mechanic in-game:

* A new sprite for evil eyes that are half-awake - ideally some color scheme that suggests "halfway between awake and asleep" - I don't know if green necessarily suggests that, but it's the same color as the speed potion so that could help.

* Maybe a new sound effect for half-waking an eye that sounds more confused or muted.

* Maybe highlighting the line-of-sight of the half-woken eye.

The sound and line-of-sight might lead to additional visual/aural clutter in cases where this is constantly happening, but I don't think it would be much worse than merely waking up a whole bunch of eyes one after the other, and it could help serve as a warning if the player crosses over a line without realizing it.

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10-25-2020 at 04:04 PM
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icon Re: New Sprite for Half-Awake Eyes (0)  
Thinking about how evil eyes work while hasted as a player, I generally understood the situation to be "if the eye sees you for 2 consecutive half-turns it wakes up". I guess it's logical that the code that makes that work operates by way of a "half-awake" state, but player-side I don't think I'd ever be inclined to actually think about what's happening as any special state of the eye, just a logical conclusion from me being double-speed. I'm not sure whether I'd have been more confused by seeing the eye actually react to me zipping by it for a single half-turn, but I definitely don't think I'd be less confused since I..wasn't confused in the first place? I hope that makes sense.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 10-25-2020 04:24 PM]
10-25-2020 at 04:23 PM
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Registered: 10-06-2005
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icon Re: New Sprite for Half-Awake Eyes (0)  
It isn't even necessarily "if evil eye sees you (or the same thing) for two half-turns, it wakes up", it's more like "if evil eye sees A Target for two half-turns, it wakes up".

For example, if Beethro is visible for one half-turn, but in the next turn he steps out of the line of sight but makes it possible for the evil eye to see a decoy/clone (either by pushing it there or opening a door so the evil eye can see it), the evil eye will still wake up.

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10-25-2020 at 05:04 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 06-13-2015
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icon Re: New Sprite for Half-Awake Eyes (0)  
I would again personally perceive "if an eye sees [a target] for 2 half-turns it wakes up" as a logical extension of the same thing with [you] in the brackets location without really regarding it as a state of the eye. But I'm not really arguing against this feature request at all; it is more visibility and I wouldn't personally be confused by it now. I just wonder.

109th Skywatcher

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10-25-2020 at 07:44 PM
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