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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : Plagued Deceit (Been too busy to work on it, but I'll come back to it in a while.)
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icon Plagued Deceit (0)  
10:03AM September 30th: Real life's taken me to places and kept me extra busy. Now I'll have free time soon and I'll juggle Gunthro, localization and university all at once.

7:41AM June 12th: Major fixes, making Underground Palace actually completable and removed a room's unintended solution. This post is getting quite big so I'm also putting anything older than two updates into secret tags. I'm not sure what to do with Underground Palace: 1e since it's indeed pretty hard due to the complexity of the room compared to the others, I'll keep it in for now since I feel like it's a good challenge for beginners and it makes you think a little. I had to remove one trapdoor though, there indeed was a single one that made the room impossible. I don't know how I overlooked that. It's just my style to forget things like that, remember to send a comment in this thread if you find an error with a room so I can fix it while I work on the next level.

8PM June 11th: Updated twice in the same day. Productivity! Might want to restore before entering the Vatborn Highway because I updated the entrance a little bit.

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 09-30-2012 03:05 PM]
06-09-2012 at 05:24 AM
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icon Re: Plagued Deceit (0)  
To get the ball rolling:
Nice aesthetics and I'm intrigued about what happens next.

I visited 4N3E before 3N2E so the speech about roach queens seemed out of place.

I'd probably avoid the word
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, but I guess that's arguable.

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06-10-2012 at 07:39 PM
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icon Re: Plagued Deceit (0)  
Jacob wrote:
To get the ball rolling:
Nice aesthetics and I'm intrigued about what happens next.

I visited 4N3E before 3N2E so the speech about roach queens seemed out of place.

I'd probably avoid the word
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, but I guess that's arguable.

I'll make a small var and put the speech in both rooms so when you visit one room, it doesn't trigger for the other room and vice versa.

I thought it would be a bad pun, admittedly I don't know much about Gunthro and his manner of speech other than he comes from Rasarus.

...Thinking about it, we know more about Rasarus, Tueno and Akandia than Ephelna now. Unless Ephelna has been explored in Smitemaster's Selections. I'm just rambling now. Work started for me a little early but I'll finish the first level and correct those mistakes as soon as I'm done re-mastering TCB (since I lost my old name).

All in all, I'm glad you like it so far. Even if there's really not much to it yet. It's the first hold I try building in a really, really long time since my early TCB days.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 06-10-2012 11:58 PM]
06-10-2012 at 11:57 PM
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Registered: 07-25-2008
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icon Re: Plagued Deceit (0)  
I'm actually really close to releasing the update, in fact I only miss a single script for a very special NPC. Could someone assist me in making a custom NPC with a sword move to the player and try to stab him? So far I have the moving-to-the-player bit right, but the sword is not swung at the player. Eventually I'd like a slayer-like script for it, but for now that's good enough.

Edit: I'll release the update right now actually, not sure how that's gonna affect updating the script once I figure out how to make that NPC work properly, but here goes. The last room of the update (and the one with the currently not functioning right script) is
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"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 06-11-2012 04:55 PM]
06-11-2012 at 04:38 PM
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icon Re: Plagued Deceit (0)  
Well, I suppose that in the Underground Palace, you can't exit the level, since 1S is required and inaccessible.

Moreover, I think that for beginners (which I think is your intended audience), Underground Palace 1E (I'm stumped for now) can be quite challenging for them.

Oh, and an unintended solution at Underground Palace 1S1W, the player could just pass through the arrows and kill the roach queen and return, assuming that the correct number of Arrow Rotator Tokens are pressed.

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06-12-2012 at 07:51 AM
View Profile Send Private Message to User Send Email to User Show all user's posts This architect's holds Quote Reply
Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 175
Registered: 07-25-2008
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icon Re: Plagued Deceit (0)  
Oh, I knew I forgot something. I'll check on all of those. I did make 1E a little complicated, though. I wanted a mix of easy and hard rooms, but being that I made them, I obviously know the solution to each. In any case, I don't put very many green doors so you can just do other rooms and come back later on. If it's a real problem I'll save that room for another place and change the puzzle.

EDIT: I've fixed 1s1w by adding some things and 1e by removing some. It's not much but the room's actually solvable now. I've tested every room, I don't know how I overlooked the fact a particular single trapdoor made this impossible.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 06-12-2012 01:12 PM]
06-12-2012 at 12:25 PM
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