(Version 4a): Fixed the US in Building Entrance 1S3E. Removed Hold Master's Zone 1E.
Almost there. The only issue in BE 1S 3E now is based on one of builder quirks.
Using builder+relay stations is a
very bad idea. It causes another unintended solution based on quirky builder behaviour(my attempts to explain it follow): after being unable to get to some relay station, builder decides to go for another one, even if it's further and even if the way to closer one becomes open after that.
In case with 1S 3E, I can, for example, lure aumtlich at 24,11 and hit the orb. The builder will try to get to 3 upper relay stations for a while. After he gives up and faces SE(trying to get to lower relay station this time), I can finally let aumtlich move away from the passage... and builder will go to lower relay station, bypassing the two unblocked upper ones.
So, in short, don't use builders unless you have to. They are weird, weird things. EDIT: Actually... screw what I said about not using builders. The main issue with this room is that you don't limit player's movement in any way after the orb is hit(and before builder gets to lower relay station). This is the primary reason why various unintended solutions are actually possible - if I won't be able to move anywhere while builder gets to needed relay station, chances that I'll be able to break something are very low. By the way, the version of the room with
only aumtlich and builder would work very well as postmastery version of the room.
With that said, if you still don't want to limit player's movement at all, you'll have to come up with something clever to prevent unintended solutions.
EDIT2: Also, to save you some time, I've attached a hold with two versions of 1S 3E ->
one where I can't break anything because I'm blocked after hitting orb, and one with only aumtlich and builder(demos for both of rooms are watchable from title screen). Feel free to take ideas/use these rooms.
[Last edited by mxvladi at 06-06-2012 03:47 PM]