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Caravel Forum : Other Boards : Electronic Games : Beret (An excellent (and free) puzzle game in the form of a platformer. (windows, mac, and linux))
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icon Beret (+3)  
It's been quite a while since I've participated here, and -- to be honest -- quite a while since I've booted up DROD (though that'll likely change once the new Smitemaster's Selection is out), but after playing a game called Beret for the last couple weeks I feel utterly compelled to share it, and I think the DROD community might take to it like no other...

It took a while to sink in, but I believe Beret is tickling my puzzle-bone in a way very similar to how DROD did when I played through KDD years ago.

Like DROD, Beret resembles another genre at first glance -- in this case, a 2-D platformer -- but its surface belies a very deep set of interlocking game mechanics that, ultimately, make the whole experience that of a puzzle game.

I should warn, however, that Beret is not turn-based, and thus -- unlke DROD -- some sections/challenges require reflexes or quick timing.

Mitigating this factor, however, is the fact that pressing the 1 key will save the current state of the game, and pressing the 4 key will instantly restore the game from that precise state.

This means that you can effectively break down a tricky reflexes problem into smaller and smaller chunks.

Ultimately, however, most of the challenge comes from puzzling out how to deal with various game elements, alone or in combination, to navigate to the next screen, and in this sense it reminds me of DROD the most.

Additionally, there are rewards for figuring out how to get rid of all the monsters on each screen before progressing to the next (like clearing a screen in DROD), and for collecting certain trinkets.

The level design I believe is truly brilliant, rarely devolving into pure action. Like with DROD, your character does not gain abilities as the game progresses, but new elements (monsters, block-types, etc.) are consistently introduced, forcing you to reevaluate the small toolset at your disposal. Likewise, the puzzles for the most part get consistently more difficult as the game progresses [note: I believe I'm about 2/3 of the way through the game at this point]. That said, there have been a few instances where returning to an earlier level has led to a very DROD-like Aha! moment in which the solution to a previously unsolved puzzle becomes suddenly clear, perhaps due to having more experience with the game.

I am, of course, being very wordy here, and I hope you take this wordiness as a sign of enthusiasm. [I'll note here that I have no relationship with the game developer; I saw the game mentioned in a tiny blurb on another site a couple weeks ago.]

Oh, a description of the central game mechanic: Like any 2-d platformer, the keyboard is used to move left and right, and to jump in the air. The shift key here toggles between a run and a walk, helpful for jumping larger gaps or for fine-tuning smaller movement. And the key game mechanic: the mouse is used for telekinesis, allowing you to grab blocks or monsters and move them around, assuming they are within a certain range of your character and assuming you have a clear line of sight between your character and the thing you are grabbing. (This last requirement is key for many of the puzzles).

At the moment, there does not seem to be any community built up around the game.

And I have only seen it mentioned on two websites. I suspect it would be getting more attention were the graphics not so 1990s PC (i.e., clearly programmer-drawn)? Like DROD, a still image of the game does not express its underlying brilliance.

There also is no level editor, though I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind that maybe an outpouring of support from a community like this might compel the developer to create one? [this is pure speculation, of course].

And, oh: after all this, where to find the game:

And I should mention that the developer's claim of "over 20 hours of gameplay" is certainly accurate.

07-12-2011 at 08:24 PM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
After a review like that, who wouldn't want to play it? Downloading now..
07-13-2011 at 12:40 AM
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icon Re: Beret (+1)  
Update: I sent an email to the developer letting him know I posted this here. It turns out there is a level editor already built into the game.

The relevant portion of his reply:

"One thing I wanted to correct you about though is that there is already a level editor in the game - it's flexible enough to allow people to create entire departments if they want to, and is in fact the same editor I used to make all the levels. You unlock the editor by getting all 120 Medallions, but my friends convinced me that was a little cruel and counterproductive, so there's also a cheat code you can enter on the map screen to unlock it, which is 'evilevilevil'. If you or anyone else makes a level, I'd absolutely love to see it!"
07-13-2011 at 07:53 PM
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icon Re: Beret (+2)  
My suggestion to Beret's developer (should he read this thread): Don't obscure your level editing tools! Make them freely accessible, without hiding them behind a cheat code or an unlockable. IMO, it's an important component of community development.

07-13-2011 at 08:36 PM
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icon Re: Beret (+1)  
Update: Beret's developer has just posted an updated version to download, addressing a few minor issues -- including 4 blue fragments in level 13 that were (quite obviously) impossible to acquire. [I had sent in a bug report for this one, wondering if there was some game mechanic I was completely missing; turns out it was the equivalent of a last-minute typo. If you had gotten that far already, these were two fragments each in two side by side pits that were capped by blue blocks (i.e., you can enter or exit, but objects cannot); the pits were one block too tall to allow egress after jumping in.]

It seems you can just unzip this to a new folder and copy your save folder over to continue your game.

Is anyone playing this? Is anyone as charmed by it as I am? [I've now reached level 20 or so...gravity switching and the quite clever "ghost blocks" being the latest elements to be introduced. A couple of levels ago there was a puzzle who's solution involved setting up a bit of a perpetual motion machine.]
07-16-2011 at 06:36 PM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
Have completed the first 8 levels in full. Normally with puzzle games like these at some point I get bored, and stop - currently hasn't happened yet :) Each level provides new and interesting twists, long may that continue.

Especially like the timed levels (and their connection to save/load state), though the limits have been reasonably generous so far (other than the last one where I had 2 spare seconds). Would be nice (if it isn't possible already) to save the fastest completion time so that can turn into a little online competition there..
07-17-2011 at 07:25 AM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
I've had a lot of fun playing this game over the past few days, and I think it has the potential to be just as interesting and fiendishly clever as DROD does.

I do like the thought of the medallion mechanic as a way to provide a lot of optional puzzles, and to allow the player to put off solving some tough puzzles until later when they want to come back to them. There's one thing I don't like about this kind of implementation, though, which is that the structure of the game will tend to force the player to replay puzzles that they've already solved.

For instance, any time you re-enter a level to try and get something that you've missed (for example, a red medallion or a white medallion you missed) you have to re-solve all the mandatory puzzles that stand between you and the exit. Usually there's not too many and they aren't too difficult, but some of them can be time-consuming or finicky - the puzzle in the entrance room of level 5 where Beret has to move two red telekinesis drones and a yellow drone down a hallway by blocking them behind two movable blocks comes to mind. This puzzle has to be re-done every single time I want to find something in a later room in that level.

Another case is the 100 blue medallion fragments and the 4 orange medallion fragments. While I like the idea of being able to get small partial rewards for solving some easier sub-puzzles, as an alternative to trying to solve the often very difficult puzzles guarding the white medallion, the problem I have is that you can't save these fragments until you get the entire medallion. This means that if you get stuck trying to get one orange medallion fragment or some remaining blue splinters, and decide to leave the level, you don't get to keep the other three orange fragments or ninety blue splinters - you have to re-gather them each time you try and get the "tough" ones. This can add up.

What this means is that unless you manage to get all five medallions (save the green speed-run one) on your first trip into the level, you're going to spending a decent amount of time doing work that is no longer novel or puzzling, but merely necessary in order to progress.


There are a couple of other feature requests I might end up sending to the developer soon in the way of adding more information - for instance, drawing a line from Beret to the cursor so the player knows when that line is about to hit an opaque corner, drawing a line between linked objects, or showing the activation range of those Fake Blocks once they're already active.


I also have a bit of trouble with speedruns and killing enemies quickly in general since I play this game with a trackpad. This works great for most of the puzzles, where I have all the time in the world to place objects exactly where I need them to be. But I have a bit of trouble flinging (by releasing objects from telekinesis) in precise directions or to precise locations, which has led to some trial and error on a few puzzles.


In spite of the above, I think this game is still really great and I've had a good time solving its puzzles. I think the bosses are also reasonable action segments, especially with the ability to save state so work usually doesn't have to be re-done. I'm looking forward to working with some of the objects I've seen in the trailer and completing the game.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

07-20-2011 at 08:30 PM
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icon Re: Beret (+1)  
Some of those things have been improved:
07-28-2011 at 11:05 AM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
Great! Saving individual fragments is going to be really convenient, especially in these late-game stages.


While reading kiwisauce's blog, I noticed he linked to someone doing a blind Let's Play of the game, which is essentially video footage of someone playing the game for the first time and reacting to it. I watched the first few minutes of it and it seems to be fairly representative of the gameplay, although I get the opinion that the LPer is trying a bit too hard to imitate the infamous "raocow", a source of much randomness and absurdity.

Anyway, it could be useful for anyone still trying to figure out whether or not this game sounds like fun.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

07-28-2011 at 03:50 PM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
So I took a break for a bit, both because work started consuming more of my time and I got distracted by Wonderquest, which I hadn't realized existed.

And then, upon returning, it turns out I'm completely stuck in the very room I had just reached but hadn't yet started.

Has anyone happened to reach the second room of level 18?

I can collect the blue bits, but cannot come up with a strategy for the gold medallion, the white medallion, or -- and this is a first -- for reaching the exit.

Gold and white medallions seem to rely on getting the boxes out of the small chamber in the upper left. But I'm not seeing any way of getting more than two of them out. The up-arrow box would be incredibly helpful, but the box it's telekinetically connected to won't allow its retrieval (as far as I can tell) and I don't see any way of breaking that connection (it's not a destructable box and there's no opportunity to throw it off the bottom of the screen).

But -- even worse -- I don't see how to get to the exit in the upper-right at all. And I'm obviously missing something, because besides using one of them to kill the monster-box, I'm not seeing any use for the timed-bombs. (i.e., nothing I can reach with them.)

Has anyone gotten this far in the game and would like to offer some hints?

(Is there perhaps an obvious game element I've just forgotten the rules of during my break from the game?)
07-30-2011 at 07:25 PM
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icon Re: Beret (+4)  
You guys are up to 18? Wow, I'm still stuck at 13 for lack of medallions. There's a bunch of them in earlier levels that I just can't get... Wish there was a walkthrough of sorts somewhere.
07-31-2011 at 09:53 AM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
nobodybutyours wrote:
Has anyone happened to reach the second room of level 18?

But -- even worse -- I don't see how to get to the exit in the upper-right at all. And I'm obviously missing something, because besides using one of them to kill the monster-box, I'm not seeing any use for the timed-bombs. (i.e., nothing I can reach with them.)
You're making it way too hard for yourself. Hold jump and you'll fly right to the top (also hug the left wall or the shooter kills you).

Bombs are needed for clearing enemies and suiciding back to the checkpoint.

I didn't get the white medallion in this room yet either, same can't-break-up-arrow-link logic as yours.
07-31-2011 at 10:14 AM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
Well, I just completed level 18 for the first time last night (although the green medallion is looking to be quite tough as of now), and it may be helpful to point out that sticky bombs can pass through Beret-only walls if they're attached to Beret.

As for the orange fragment/white medallion, it's very much a lynchpin-type situation...

Click here to view the secret text

As for reaching the exit, holding the jump button will add momentum through up-pointing force fields, allowing you to easily reach the exit.

I was planning on posting when I finished, but I've enjoyed the game quite a bit so far, and I doubt that will change in the last few levels. The introduction of new elements has been logical and they all work together well. Enemies can easily be used both as puzzle material or dangerous obstacles, particularly during the time trial segments. I particularly like that just when block-and-jump height measuring begins to appear like it might not hold up for too much longer, all of the gravity-related elements start to appear, making puzzles even more dynamic.

aka VioletPumpkin
07-31-2011 at 10:29 AM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
Thanks, folks. I was totally overthinking it, assuming that any jump up through the tower would certainly involve getting hit by the shooter.

Now that I can reach the checkpoint machine, the purpose of the sticky bombs becomes clear...

Thanks again!
07-31-2011 at 11:41 AM
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icon Re: Beret (+1)  
nobodybutyours wrote:
At the moment, there does not seem to be any community built up around the game.

It seems this game now has its own forum, sort of.

[Last edited by mxvladi at 08-02-2011 10:21 PM]
08-02-2011 at 09:53 PM
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icon Re: Beret (+1)  
Have now completed the entire game. If you haven't already, you should play this game. It is brilliant.
08-10-2011 at 07:52 AM
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icon Re: Beret (+2)  
So, uh, it's probably a good idea to mention these two things here now that the author of the game has put them on his blog:

First, good news for those of you who have beat the game, or perhaps for those of you who are are still working on it and would like a change of pace: there's a custom level set now available for the game, which can be installed and played as an alternative to the main game. Along the lines of the Evil Corporation, the Deception, Limited Liability Corporation could sure use some stopping.

I am the architect of this level set - you might notice this Leylite guy has the same real name as me. Now, some of you might be saying "Chaco, don't you have, like, three different DROD and DROD: RPG projects you've still left incomplete?" And to those people I say "This was much easier for me to work on with the amount of free time I have at college than working on a DROD or DROD: RPG level. Make sure to bug me about that in January."

If you have any comments about the level set, go ahead and leave them in the Deception LLC thread in the Beret Levels forum where I'm most likely to find them and respond to them.


Second, the author of the game has put out a public notice that he is hoping to get in contact with a graphic artist to produce a new texture pack for Beret, or possibly graphic assets for future projects.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 10-25-2011 09:11 PM]
10-25-2011 at 09:07 PM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
This is good to hear. I noticed those posts on his blog when I happened to visit a few days ago, but I'm a lot more likely to play that set knowing it's by you (and given some time). This also serves as reassurance that their editor is a bit more manageable than it looked to me at first.

I've thought about jumping on board with their graphics, but that, as well, is dependent on time constraints.

EDIT: I just realized I actually didn't post anything about this game before, so I'll quickly say now that it's excellent. I haven't gotten every medal--just two or three more than are needed to finish the last level, if I remember right.

Penwielder's Palace, Detention Complex, Archipelago, Cube of Memories

[Last edited by Penwielder at 10-26-2011 12:41 AM]
10-26-2011 at 12:38 AM
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icon Re: Beret (+1)  
Thanks Caravel community for mentioning this game. I really enjoy it and appreciate having heard from it courtesy of this community. I thought I'd share and maybe help bring more attention to this game by posting again here. :thumbsup

[Last edited by mizerydearia at 12-20-2011 01:53 PM]
12-20-2011 at 01:53 PM
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icon Re: Beret (0)  
Day one of my holiday was spent experiencing Beret. Fantastic game, and I've only skimmed the surface!

12-24-2011 at 08:11 AM
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icon Re: Beret (+2)  
It seems like a good time to bring up this thread again for entirely selfish reasons, because I think Beret is a really neat puzzle game and could use some more eyes on it.

Anyway, the full version of Deception LLC is now released, and it features 6 levels of tricky Beret puzzles, designed by yours truly. It's a good supplement to the main Beret game and I think this is another good demonstration of some of the puzzle mechanics in the game (as well as how Beret has just as much potential for architect evilness as DROD does).

The other reason I bring this up is, in case you're a busy person and/or don't want to deal with the real-time-based components of playing a platformer, Isocitration has begun a Let's Play of this very level set. If you enjoyed watching Isocitration's LP of the original Beret game, and/or Pearls' LP of Terrakept Resonant, you might want to follow this LP as well.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

07-24-2012 at 05:54 PM
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