Here's mine. Finally.
Entrance: As suggested (thank you, Jacob).
1N: Added door to prevent wraithwing from reentering tarstuff area.
1N1W: Added conquer token which
might help...?
2N: Fixed the obvious force arrow error.
I don't remember editing anything else, offhand.
EDIT: I had taken it as granted until just now that Someone Else fully intended to compile this. Rereading his post, however, and thinking about the time that has passed... was he? I don't know. I'll start it tomorrow, unless told otherwise. I also just noticed that there were
seven rooms and
seven entries, which could be used to put a creative spin on the hub level.
EDIT II: Work started. Will use modified rooms if noted, otherwise the ones submitted for voting. Your endings will be shown upon return to the hub level, unless you never changed your ending from the default. You're welcome to change this as, as well.
Also, I'll take a quick vote here: public or private beta board?
Penwielder's Palace,
Detention Complex,
Cube of Memories
[Last edited by Penwielder at 03-29-2010 10:17 PM]