How do you get ideas for these? I mean, I can create a room where you can see what to do immediately, the puzzle is managing to do it. Those kinds of rooms are trivial.
But lynchpins are a lot harder to think up. Mine tend to come in a bizarre moment of inspiration, or when I notice something unusual happening when I test a room. This doesn't happen often, I'm really not very good at making lynchpin based rooms.
But how do
you think up ideas for what the lynchpin should be? The thing that's not immediately obvious. I'm curious to know how you guys get your ideas for them. Do you look at a quirk of behaviour? Do you just stick stuff down and see what happens?
How do you lot do it? I'm curious to know your methods

I might discover one that works for me.
My HoldsClick here to view the secret text
[Last edited by calamarain at 10-19-2007 12:04 AM]