You're quite right, my maths was screwed up. Certain cases (e.g. variants of the classic Lights Out puzzle) definitely have this - there might be more than one minimal solution depending on the configuration (I use the word minimal since in a pure toggle puzzle, striking an orb twice is the same as not striking it at all, whatever order you do it in)

Interesting that you refer the room that way. It *was* an evil room, wasn't it?

The orb puzzles in this level are going to be even crueler and more unsolvable by orb means... with one big exception - there will be logical scroll-provided clues to which orbs are the correct ones.
I cannot guarantee that there will not be multiple solutions in this case.
However, I can guarantee (from much work with the clues) that there will only be one solution that can be deduced from the clues, even though other solutions and patterns of orbs might exist, there'll only be one solution from following the clues.
That's technically multiple-solutions, is that a problem under the circumstances?
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