Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1233
Registered: 01-08-2006
IP: Logged
The Labyrinth of Mellenfral (+6)
It was happening again. Mellenfral, the city famous for it's artists and scientists, was under attack. This time raiders all the way from Gronce heard about the easy pickings and came over to see. What they saw was a city on a peninsula full of the most defenseles, richest people in all of Ephelna. So, like the intelligent raiders they were, they attacked. Now, Mellenfral, as you all know, is home to Mellenfral College. And Mellenfral College, as you all know, is home to the original copy of the Master Map of the Eighth, one of the most valuble artifacts of all time! It had been stolen and returned enough times, so the Professors of Mellenfral College had made a plan. They would build a labyrinth in the basement of the college, and they would hide the Master Map inside. So, while the raiders were raiding the town, Professor Dinglehopper hired the resident Architects to build a labyrinth for them.
The object of this contest, believe it or not, is to build a maze. The object of the maze is not to be fiendishly difficult, but to be fun.
1. The maze can have as many rooms/floors/monsters as you want. Just make sure that it's completeable.
2. You can use scripting in whatever way pleases you.
3. Submissions go in submission topic. Voting will go in voting topic.
4. Contest ends in negative 960 weeks, 2 days (This is a special tag that will update the time until contest ends.)
5. Go wild!
6. Prizes are rank points again. 1st 50 points. 2nd 30 points. 3rd 15 points.
7. I would also like to have people who will try the contest to say so, it won't be mandatory, but I want to know how many are going to play.
I'm imagining Indiana Jones style traps, and clues on how to reach the hidden exit! Or secret rooms with the map inside! But anything goes really. You could create a boring wall and floor maze. Or be evil and create a staircase maze. Or maybe combine the two and have a three-dimensional maze! But unless you add puzzles to it, it won't be fun. So watch out.
Call me Citrus.
[Last edited by Ezlo at 08-23-2006 07:07 PM]