Hello chesse20 ! I just finished your hold and have some suggestions for you. You'll find in the attached file my demos but also a single room hold with two NPC that code your challenges. The left NPC code the roach queens challenge while the right NPC code the Slayer challenge. Just copy/paste them in their respective rooms, if you will ! (By the way, the challenges names are 'Challenge 1/2 Complete' feel free to change this ...)
First thing I would recommend is to add some checkpoints in everyrooms !
The Plumbing 2N2W : This room can be done without using any Soldier horn in case you were wondering, might be another challenge ?
The Plumbing 4N1W : I really enjoyed this one using the right entrance. You should definitely make it the only entrance of the room. And to force the player going north, maybe use orbs and doors that will close as bombs explode ?
Toilet Bowl 1W : As said, you can copy/paste my NPC to get an official challenge. This room was fun, and there is a few way to improve it. Instead of having two queens on the bottom right part, you could create another "
on the upper right, in that way the player will be surrounded. You could also randomize a bit the position of the Trapdoors to make things harder ...
Toilet Bowl 1N : If your intention is the player to cross the room to go to sword token, you should make the entrance a one square entrance because, as you can see in my demo, you just need to step left or right to get your sword back. In any case, the soldier horn with the Wraithwing was a nice puzzle.
Toilet Bowl 2N1W : Nothing really hard in this room, you could definitely improve it by removing eyes and bomb and place the arrow one square down, to trap the player in the centre part and force him to "
on the trapdoors with the two goblins.
That's all, I hope it will help you !
My Holds :
Architecture Salon
Do it Again