Well, I've been enjoying this so far, though I've only got through six rooms up to now. I just wish I had seen the update before i STARTED (and if this new keyboard annoys me just once more, it's going through the window) but hopefully I'll be able to carry on where I left off. Oddly enough, when I first looked at the entrance, I just thought, "
Not interested,"
and hit escape. I'm glad I took another look.
Edit: I finished both levels and enjoyed most of it. The entrance to level two is a bit ho-hum. The amount of monsters made the game very jerky until about 80% of them were gone. The secret room in level 1 can only be reached by restoring if you don't go there first.
I reckon you ought to give some thought to check points. There's a couple of rooms which could do with one or two but don't have any, yet L2 1N has one that you are unlikely to go near.
Talking of checkpoints, I reckon all holds should have a checkpoint as you leave the room to make restoring easier, but I digress.
L2 2N. Ugh! Nuff said.
L2 2N1W can be done easily by
Click here to view the secret text
×dropping the five easternmost trapdoors, and letting the snakes kill themselves
L2 1N1W. I cleared the room and left to the north, meaning I had to clear the trapdoors again to get to the next room. Not fun, though the room was when I did it the way it was intended.
L2 1W. Took me a few goes to get the golems where they didn't block me.
L2 2W. Sorry but I thought this was just plain boring.
Overall, I found it fun, and it's definitely easier than it first appears, though as has been pointed out, there's too much QWing, or in my case, ASing.
[Last edited by bandit1200 at 04-08-2006 08:20 PM]