Chaco wrote:
I'm kinda stuck on ketchup and puppies, however - I have to flee the roach, then I put my mimic at the upper left. I then can't get the mimic back up towards the middle snake without hitting a bomb, so I then have to defeat the ketchup bottle. But then I can't put the decoy in both the lower left and the middle.
You know, sometimes I create rooms and solve them later. It's maddening. This one, though, has a complicatedly freaky sense of purpose.
Chaco: your solution, apparently, was different than mine. I just (TACTICAL SPOILER)
Click here to view the secret text
×used the roach to kill the middle snake. In the beginning of the room, you have to exit through the right exit of the ketchup bottle. Go above the bottle, and on the mud spawn, move vertical to the entrance. This forces the roach to go into the snake cage. Then, the eye is awakened and used to empty the lower left snake cage.
Yes, it is a little complicated.
Oh, and thanks for playing, too!

The secret rooms are good too, maybe.
[Last edited by Swivel at 12-13-2005 10:48 PM : Typo, typo, on the wall... who is the worst typer of all?]