Although we worked hard on our graphics and made many improvements to the engine, we still don't have anything outstanding compared to other indie/shareware games out there.
I'm no artist, but I have to say (as has been said numeorus times before) the graphics suit the game. I don't believe they should be improved... Imagine playing chess with knights all foamed up from a D2-E5 move.
I'll draw on 2 other games I know you've enjoyed. Firstly, Oasis. A brilliant game, but it's a whole 10x10 (12x12 ?) grid so no wonder they can add bits and pieces. Brilliant gameplay is what makes it.
And Lux. I have to admit, I played that game intensively for months, even though never having played Risk (yeah, I grew up in the mountains). Having said that, since the new gfx came into play, I'm less awed by the sheer gameplay. I just pissed off at the sprites... so I stopped playing (I was 42nd at one point to justify my passion).
Other examples of sheer genius would be Lemmings: load a bitmap, and stick some 8x8 sprites on it... most probably the most played, downloaded, hacked, cracked and patched game ever.
Doom 3 ? I spent over a grand (BGP) on a PC to finally see the most technilogical piece of art ever made with levels designed by some of the biggest creative minds. 3 years in the making and I saw the most plain, yet beautiful, disappointment.
Don't get me started on Far Cry...
All this to say... seriously good GFX are for when you run out of gameplay ideas.
The again, maybe I'm just jealous that I can't draw