Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 1917
Registered: 12-09-2004
IP: Logged
File: Lendy.exe (63.3 KB) Downloaded 55 times. License: Public Domain
Re: Lendy's Dungeon (+3)
Note that these comments are based on the last version of the hold, not the one you just uploaded yesterday.
Level 1:
1N1W- Demo. OK, but Im not sure exactly what you wanted. You can simply run straight down the path with the trap doors and I don't think you need the top two orbs.
1N- Fine.
1N1E- Fine
1N2E- Easy, OK.
1E- I'm generally not excited by rooms that must be played through multiple times. OK.
2E Demo. Extremely easy.
3E- I like.
4E- I don't really enjoy rooms like this w/ many orbs/doors. OK.
1S- UNSOLVED. I can't solve the area behind the red door.
1S1E- UNSOLVED. See Tahnan's comments.
1S2E- OK.
1S3E- OK. Again, not my type.
1S4E- OK. What about a green door near the SW exit so the room can be crossed easily each way once completed?
Level 2:
2N1E- Demo. I'd say my solution is unintended. I didn't use the tunnels.
1N2W- Fine.
1N1W- Fine.
1N- Fine.
1N1E- Demo. I never used the SE area.
2W- OK.
1W- OK, but I'd make it easier to pass the room from East to West once completed.
1E- OK.
1S3W- OK.
1S2W- Good.
1S1W- OK. Don't need to use broken walls and tunnel.
Level 3:
4N1W- UNSOLVED. Tricky.
3N1W- Demo. Unintended solution? Again, I'd also make it easier to pass the room in all directions once completed.
3N- OK.
3N1E- OK.
2N1W- BUG? Can not exit south once the tar mother is killed?
2N- OK.
2N1E- Demo. Unintended solutions. See Tahnan's comments. Also, you can easily use the tar without ever using the 4 doors.
2N2E- OK.
1N1W- OK.
1N- Bug mentioned in earlier post. Can't traverse room from West.
1N1E- Demo. Unintended solution.
1W- Entertaining.
Level 4:
1N- I didn't complete this. It seems like some trial and error so I'd like save pts. on all 4 sides.
1N1E- Pretty easy, OK.
1E- Demo. Unintende solution.
2E- UNSOLVED. I use 1 golem for the SW roach leaving me 2 more golems, but it appears I'd need 4 golems to handle the final roach.
1S2W- OK.
1S1W- Demo. Unintended solution?
1S- I like.
1S1E- OK. Make it easier to traverse the room once completed w/o hitting all the decoys every time.
1S2E- OK.
2S1W- Nice room. I especially like the West chamber. Add a save pt. in the central chamber maybe?
2S- I got to the snake before realizing you need to keep the goblin. I haven't replayed it yet but assume it can be done.
2S1E- OK.
2S2E- OK.
3S1E- OK.
Level 5:
2N- UNSOLVED. I don't see how the roach queens can be killed.
3N- OK.
4N- OK. I think it might be nice to add any monster so so the room can be conquered and people can get high scores. I think even just putting brains in the centers of the 3x3 trap doors that don't have orbs.
5N- OK.
5N1W- Has been done before(JTRH). OK.
5N2W- I don't like the idea of having a room remain unconquerable. Maybe you could make the guards be characters so the room doesn't show up as red.
Overall comments:
Often you make it easy to backtrack through a completed room, but it is hard to go through forward again.
Also, I like save pts. and I'd recommend adding some more.
I like your hold. I found a lot of rooms that were fun to solve. Great job!!
My demos are attached in a self-extracting file.
[Last edited by larrymurk at 01-05-2006 04:39 PM]