So far, I have enjoyed testing this hold. I must say the architecture is fantastic - I am envious
The forrest can get a bit annoying, but it is short, and after a while you find your way around. I did die a few times, and there were places I got a bit tied up (to the left where the 3 spiders are in 1S2W, if you have you sword pointing away, you have to keep going to the screen above, move you sword, go back to the previous screen, and move your sword, then back up to the next room, otherwise they will kill you. thus, if there are too many monster, you might want to remove some from the room boundaries.
bugs I found in the rooms. but it is a
×The Gobline Forrest:
Once East
Tar scroll "
d Dugan's Dungeon"
There is a way to leave the room without the sliding door automatically closing (check script for this)
When you re-enter the room, is the speach suppose to repeat?
Once West
When you first enter the room, the Goblin and Guard appear. If you exit and re-enter straight away, the Guard is just talking to himself, and the Goblin has dissapeared.
Once North, Twice West
Small point, but on the high path, you can touch some of the texture mapping (maybe add a tree there)
Once South, Once West
A tree is missing that lets you cut through the zig-zag path in the south of the room. This can mess up the speach/action scripts in 1S2W.
Once South
If you leave and re-enter just before the Guards attack the mimic scripts, the guards will repeat the actions, and the mimics will not appear again (As in 1W, the speach scripting will become confusing)
Scripts needs an End task.
Twice South
As above and in 1W. These could be resolved by having the speach script seperate from the actual goblin, or end the Guard script at the same time.
Twice South, Once West
In the scrolls. mother is spelt with a capital M for the mud, but not for the tar - inconsistant.
Path to the Town
According to the first goblin, their were rocks that paved the way to the town. I got to the underground entrance (1W), the the rock pointers seemed to disappear. I got a bit lost and ended up collecting all the white rocks (in the forest) before I got to the town.
The White Rocks
You could add a script so when you have found the staircase, the wubba does not return (giving the player a visible that they have been to that one before)
Eyeballington Bros.
Contains code hint
Click here to view the secret text
I found the code by looking at the scripting for 2S1W, and then I could understand you could get the code by the ways the eyes are facing, but this wasn't obvious, and I might have missed some clues...
Scripted Guard/Thief
When you left and re-entered rooms, the scripts kept starting again (another case is in 2E. Perhaps the 'End on room exit' command could help?
Under the Forest
Once North
You can strike the top and bottom orbs while on the yellow gate, so you can go east or west - but not sure if this is intentional so thought i would flag it.
All the mimic's speach repeats if you re-enter the room. If you re-enter, maybe the last line only should repeat?
The cliffs
I know this is in progreess, but 2E, the goblin speach should only appear once, and the gate doesn't let you back in when you enter from the west.
The raft is good, but shall we say "

I think I could make a script for a raft that only moves when you move, but in the right direction (hopefully, it can remove those force arrows to.