Yeah, the second part can only start mid-August for reasons that will be mentioned below, so I might as well provide a bit of closure for you.
Architects' poll was, for the most part, pretty fair and even. Entries number 1 and 12 I feel got their entries voted a little lower than they should have, although I'm sure it was because they didn't do much scripting. I would like to point out now that scripting *was* optional, but I'm sure some people voted based on that fact. Nevertheless, the results follow for the Architect poll:
Entry #1 - Tim - Claythro Tower, Fifth Story: Once East (3.818)
Entry #2 - Ander - Beethro's Dance of Death: Once South, Once East (7.455)
Entry #3 - Maurog - Treasure Hunt, The Horde: 1N1E (6.455)
Entry #4 - techant - Treasure Hunt, Tomb Vault: Once North Thrice West (5.636)
Entry #5 - Jacob - Veere's Dungeon, Veere's Dungeon: 4N2W (8.000)
Entry #6 - Doom - Contest Hold, Contest Level: One South, Twice West (7.273)
Entry #7 - techant - Beethro's First Job, 7th floor - Brainiac!: Once South, Twice East (6.000)
Entry #8 - Tim - Penthouse, The Snake Pit, 3N (6.000)
Entry #9 - Banjooie - rowrow's hold: how to keep idiots busy, Level 2: Once South (4.909)
Entry #10 - Doom - Phil's Dungeon, Fourth Level: 1N2E (7.364)
Entry #11 - Maurog - Tacker's Tower, Ground Floor: 1N (7.182)
Entry #12 - Mattcrampy - Labyrinthitis, Disorientation: 1 South (6.273)
Entry #13 - Rabscuttle - Unfortunate Architect Compilation, Snakey Geniuses!: 1S (7.000)
Entry #14 - Rabscuttle - Unfortunate Architect Compilation, A Total Conversion: 1N (6.182)
This means that
Jacob snatches up top honours,
Ander, in his second contest appearance, nabs up Silver, while
Doom gets the lower spot on the podium. All of the entries deserved their victories well.
Jacob, however, only has 75 points in his pocket, as the winner from the Smitemaster side is on holidays until mid-August. Who is that? Well, read a couple more lines and you'll find out.
I had a total of four people enter, with two pairs of ties. The winner, in the event of a tie in points, was the person who sent them first, so timing was very important. Results are below:
HopelessAmateur - 42 points (Last email on July 21st)
TripleM - 42 points (Last email on July 25th)
vylycyn - 11 points (Last email on July 20th)
Mouse - 11 points (Last email on July 25th)
So, I'm sure that Mouse and TripleM learned the hard way that July 25th is a day of bad luck. So sorry!
HopelessAmatuer showed that his name has nothing to do with skills, as he nabbed first place. Heck, it was his first contest, too.
TripleM gets second, and b]vylycyn gets third. Also, HopelessAmateur and TripleM get the 15 point bonus for getting all the rooms correct on their first try. Good job!
So, let's take a look at the current prize handout, shall we? Only one rookie bonus got handed out, I will add.
Jacob - 100 Rank Points + Prize Pile Item.
Hopeless Amateur - 100 Rank Points + 100 Mod Points.
TripleM - 65 Rank Points.
Ander - 60 Rank Points.
Doom - 25 Rank Points.
vylycyn - 25 Rank Points.
And, of course, I'll be sure to let everyone know how the final part of the contest turns out. I have Jacob's rooms sitting on my hard drive right now, and they are simply
evil. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.
--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
[Last edited by gamer_extreme_101 at 08-21-2005 06:03 AM]