Level: Delver
Rank Points: 79
Registered: 12-20-2003
IP: Logged
Re: WoTD - Architects' Poll (+1)
It looks like the poll is finished! I don't have the time at the moment to post full reviews, but I will at least explain my voting method.
My first approach was to craft a series of questions about each hold, the answer to which would determine the score I gave. These were questions like, "Did the architect expend a lot of effort in redesigning this room?" (which was worth between 1 and 3 points), "If this room uses scripting, is the scripting clever and original?" (a yes being a +1 to that hold's score, a no being worth 0), "Does the room evoke an interesting setting or storyline?" (yes: one additional point; no: score remains the same), etc. A hold which got the best possible outcome for every question I made would get the full ten points, while a hold that got the worst possible outcome would only get one.
The problems with this approach were twofold: first of all, the subjective nature of most of the questions meant that I was basically asking myself "Do I like this hold enough to give it the points for this question?" four or five times to determine the overall score, which defeated the point of having the questions in the first place. More importantly, however, I realized after doing the first six holds that nearly all the holds were going to hover in the 5- to 7-point range. I'd rather grade on a curve, frankly.
My solution was to divide the holds up by what they attempted to do, and then rank them within those groups by their effectiveness at reaching that goal.
I divided the holds into three groups. The first group were the holds which didn't seem to attempt anything obvious other than simply present the existing room with new components--the simplest possible goal. I'm sure this is a subjective assessment, but it worked for me: after much debate, I included Entries 14, 9, 11, 4, and 7 in this category.
The second group was actually more obvious than the first: these holds attempted to make an actual picture or pattern with their redesign. In the end, I only included Entry 1 and Entry 8 in this category.
The last group (which is where I put my hold) attempted to create a coherent setting or story for the room. To me, this is the most admirable and impressive of the three styles, and the rooms I enjoyed the most were all in this category. That is to say, Entries 2, 5, 13, 10, 6, 12, and 3.
By ranking the entries within each category, and then ordering the categories (third, second, first), I was able to create a complete ranking of all the holds in the competition. I then assigned scores according to a bell curve. The end.