I am /wholly/ jealous of your awesome 'turn halph into goblin' >
powers, and need to finish that secret room so I can steal >
your vile, dark scripting secrets.
I can tell you, if you like...
Anyway, isn't this "
anyone edit"
? Otherwise, the secret room shouldn't be too hard.
Click here to view the secret text
×note what the orbs actually do
I like the concept of the 3S1W/3S puzzle. In practice, it >
becomes a hassle to constantly restore. I suggest cutting the >
number down to maybe four next time you use a puzzle like >
this. I really like the idea, though.
I agree. Although it does force the player to work it out, rather than guess.
1W has a trivial solution: Ignore the snakes on the left, and >
piledrive right through to the top. Enter the secret room, and >
then exit.
Trivial, yes. Unintended, no. I wanted a wide variety of solutions to the "
room, so put this one in. Originally, there was no secret room or green door, but I thought I'd make it harder.
Incidentally, if a character doesn't "
turn into monster"
, you'll never have to kill it to drop the green door. Or am I wrong?
Thanks for the comments. Worth putting on holds, or too silly?