We all know that tarstuff mothers can cause tarstuff to expand, and that's one of our beloved DROD mechanics.
Introducing the Tarstuff Growing Tokens, another way of causing this expansion mechanic.
When the player (or entity that can activate tokens) steps on a Tar Growing Token, all tar in the room expands (whether or not it has a tar mother in it). Not sure whether it makes more sense to do this immediately as part of that entity's turn, or queue it until the end of the turn (so as to have better interactions with other tarstuff growth happening this turn, e.g. all stable tar and stable mud can form before any babies form).
Stepping on a Mud Growing Token makes all mud in the room expand, whether or not it has a mud mother in it.
Stepping on a Gel Growing Token makes all gel in the room expand, whether or not it has a gel mother in it.
Stepping on an "
All 3 Tarstuff"
Growing Token makes all tar, mud and gel expand simultaneously according to normal growth preferences (first tar, then mud, then gel, then tar babies, then mud babies, then gel babies).
This could be useful for making tarstuff grow on-demand, one or more times, without making the player wait multiple spawn cycles, and/or grow stuff at a distance without having to control a mother, hide from it, etc.
Architects could also use this to cause tar to grow multiple times in a single turn.
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text