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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Fragility Floor (Something for DROD 6.0, or a future clone?)
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Fragility Floor (+2)  
Fragility Floor is a floor type, like Hot Tiles or doors.

If an entity is on the Fragility Floor, it becomes "fragile".

If an entity A tries to move into an entity _of a different type_ B that is on a Fragility Floor, A moves onto that tile and B dies. So if Beethro tries to move onto a roach on a Fragility Floor, Beethro steps onto the roach and kills it. If Beethro is on a Fragility Floor and a mimic tries to move into Beethro, the mimic steps on Beethro and kills him. But if two tar babies are on Fragility Floor, a tar baby can't move onto a tar baby to kill it (and a mimic can't move into a mimic, a goblin can't move into a goblin, etc.)

If a weapon of any type (even a pushing weapon) moves onto an entity on Fragility Floor, it is killed.

Invulnerable entities like Wubbas/Gentryii/rock golem corpses on Fragility Floor can either be stabbed or step-killed; stepping on a Gentryii chain acts as though you cut off the chain at that tile. Snakes can be stepped into or stabbed on any of their parts to shorten them; stepping onto their tail both shortens the tail and frees up the space for the attacking entity to step into, and if the snake was 2 tiles long then stepping onto its head shortens it to death and frees up the space to step into.

If tarstuff or fluff grows onto a Fragility floor, those floor tiles are never considered stable / part of a valid 2x2, so those tiles grown onto always produce babies where possible. Similarly, if any tile of a Rock Giant steps onto a Fragility Floor, the entire giant decomposes into its four Rock Golems.

If an orb is on a Fragility Floor, it can be hit with a weapon or bumped into by any entity to activate it, and then the orb cracks. A cracked orb can be bumped into to activate it and make it crumbly, and a crumbly orb can be stepped onto and destroyed completely.

Similarly, a bomb, keg or mirror on Fragility Floor can be hit with a weapon or stepped onto and immediately detonated/smashed.

If fuse is laid across Fragility Floor then it can be lit by stepping on any tile, not just on a fuse end. (maybe monsters can do this too, not just Beethro/doubles?)

There are also probably other interactions that would make sense too.

Finally it might be convenient to be able to turn Fragility Floor on/off via orbs or pressure plates but that's more of a stretch.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

10-18-2024 at 04:28 AM
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Someone Else
Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2359
Registered: 06-14-2005
IP: Logged
icon Re: Fragility Floor (+1)  
I like this idea! Except the "turn it off" portion - it feels more like hot tiles to me.

Briar can be cut with any weapon, and acts like it's next to a pit.

Doubles can be placed on top of monsters on Fragility Floors.

Mirrors can't be pushed in any way on a Fragility Floor; monsters break mirrors.

Aumtlich gaze kills the player and Stalwarts.
10-18-2024 at 06:00 AM
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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Fragility Floor (Something for DROD 6.0, or a future clone?)
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