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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Allow orbs and pressure plates to affect non-yellow doors
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Dragon Fogel
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icon Allow orbs and pressure plates to affect non-yellow doors (0)  
It just occurred to me that this is something that happens often in DROD RPG, but regular DROD doesn't do it and I'm not sure there's a reason for it other than tradition.

Granted, this can be simulated through scripting, but that doesn't allow highlighting the affected doors. So I guess this is a request to implement it in a way that lets the doors fit into the existing highlighting system.

This would work as it does in DROD RPG, aside from permanence: a red door could be opened or closed by an orb, and dropping all the trapdoors would toggle it from whatever state it's in. Similarly for black doors, green doors, and blue doors.

[Last edited by Dragon Fogel at 06-09-2023 08:53 PM]
06-09-2023 at 08:53 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 07-11-2014
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icon Re: Allow orbs and pressure plates to affect non-yellow doors (0)  
I'm gonna throw in a no vote for this one.

Yellow doors are the ones that connections affect in normal DROD. This is the consistent language the game presents and I think it's fine to stick to that. The only reason why this changed for RPG is because of keys, which meant without making such change there would have been no connection-only doors.
06-09-2023 at 09:06 PM
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icon Re: Allow orbs and pressure plates to affect non-yellow doors (0)  
Besides, I already suggested this, and more.

The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.
06-09-2023 at 10:12 PM
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icon Re: Allow orbs and pressure plates to affect non-yellow doors (+1)  
I'd vote no too, but keeping in mind that it's not a democracy.

This sounds like it would be both as powerful, and as paradigm-breaking, as the DROD 5.0 change to allow orbs to toggle force arrows on and off. Suddenly, it becomes necessary to wonder whether an orb/pressure plate in the room might turn off that force arrow, rather than it being a permanent presence.

I think given that DROD's rooms are larger, it's more OK (and traditionally accepted) to have an indirection system where a non-yellow door drops, and behind it is the orb/pressure plate that opens a yellow door (to go to X location). It's also more readable IMO, to have the condition either tied directly to the door, or to really stand out that there's some control that's very directly behind a condition-door, and that control does X.

So, I do think it's a good feature, that would be nice to have, but at the same time I do think that there's good reasons to keep the system we have now, and it's not too hard to either work around it with or without scripting.

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06-10-2023 at 12:39 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 05-03-2015
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icon Re: Allow orbs and pressure plates to affect non-yellow doors (+2)  
I'd personally prefer that this never become a thing. I already dislike that I need to now check for arrow connections. Checking for red/green/blue/black door connections every time I enter a room would be a negative experience.

Put a scroll by an orb that states "will toggle the door at coordinates" and do it via scripting. I recently played a room that had a pressure plate that removed oremites. There was a scroll in front of it explaining the effect. Fantastic! An unusual behaviour that is explicitly spelled out. I'd like to see orbs affecting non-yellow doors done in this way.

106th Skywatcher
06-10-2023 at 06:49 AM
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