For starters, what about the ability to combine door types? Stylistically, they would look like the level-tarstuff-clear gate from the
fake let's play. But in my vision, a stripey door would toggle when either condition is met. So a red and black striped door would toggle when a room gets cleared of either all tarstuff, or all trapdoors. And then toggle again when the other condition is met. This is different from just making a passage blocked by an open black gate and closed red gate, because this way, it doesn't matter which order you meet the conditions in. But in conjunction with the following idea, it's probably best to keep the color yellow out of anything to do with stripes.
In RPG, orbs and pressure plates can be hooked up to doors of any color. If that were possible in classic DROD, you could have a room where you step on a pressure plate to release some monsters, but it also closes an open green door to keep you in a space with them. Then the green door would just naturally toggle to let you out once the room is clear. Good for keeping things compact. And there's still a use for yellow doors with this system. After all, we need something that reacts to nothing except orbs and pressure plates.
Finally, I noticed that it's not possible to place orbs on an open door. Of course this makes sense, since the orb is an obstacle. But it is a bit convenient, because it means my final idea won't break any existing rooms. Closing a door with an orb on top should activate that orb. It would allow an architect to wire up things like fire traps that turn off when the room clears, or a binary counter mechanism that locks the player in if they hit an orb too many times.
Admittedly, these are things that would be befitting the release of an entirely new game. But I'm good with that, there's still plenty of story potential about life on the new surface.
The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.
[Last edited by averagemoe at 06-27-2019 05:38 PM]