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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : Concept (Something I've been working on)
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File: Concept.hold (201.9 KB)
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icon Concept (+2)  
Hi all,

I've been playing around with this hold for some time now. My ideas seem to have run dry, so I figured I'd throw this up on the board just to see what you guys might have to say.

I don't really have any additional plans for this at the moment, but I hope you all enjoy it.

I made a few adjustments thanks to Nuntar's post.

[Last edited by Chaosgamer at 12-27-2015 03:41 PM]
04-14-2015 at 01:13 AM
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Level: Delver
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Registered: 01-08-2015
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icon Re: Concept (+1)  
The hold has really well-thought-out puzzles. I'm so bad at inventing puzzles, that's why I think so. At the first blush my first thought about the hold was like:"Oh, five stairs, a lot of tunnels, grass and pit...". What I meant by that is that the very first room is somewhat empty, I don't know how to explain that but I'm sure you get it. :D
But when I started hanging around, I just kept playing for hours - your puzzles are so intersting to solve. Oh, and I really enjoyed "Alligtor Swamp" level. It has pretty awesome aesthetics and these puzzles with tarstuff, I like it!
04-20-2015 at 01:07 PM
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icon Re: Concept (+1)  
I've only played Pudding Factory so far, but I like what I see.

The southern wing is a good exploration of interactions between normal Aumtlich tactics and the new TSS weapons.

The northeast wing combines lots of classic DROD problem solving with some monster manipulation through brained-monster dancing and the stick.

It looks like there's a backtracking problem in 1N1E after you clear it. You can get from North to South just fine using the mirror behind the green door, but there's no way to open the yellow door at (1,13) from the South on subsequent room visits. I think an orb behind a green door would work fine without affecting the puzzle.

There's also a backtracking problem and unintended solution to 1N. You can just place the decoy as soon as you press the plate and kill the single Aumtlich, which clears the room, and then go East. But if you do that, there's no way to go West anymore (not that you could even if you cleared the room the correct way).

More specific comments and demos will be posted when I finish the level, or maybe when I finish more levels.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 04-23-2015 11:19 PM]
04-23-2015 at 11:15 PM
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Registered: 04-08-2009
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icon Re: Concept (0)  
Thanks for the feedback, guys!

I've made a small update to the hold with the issues mentioned by Chaco in mind.
05-02-2015 at 01:23 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Concept (0)  
I hope you will continue with this -- it looks lovely and many of the puzzles are excellent (though mostly a bit above my level....)

A few problems. PF 2N3E is essentially identical to 2N2E; the on-off pressure plate doesn't change anything as you can just stand on it and the eye will come out (it is brained). Or you could push the brain or the second eye onto it very easily.

SG 2N1E can be solved without ever crossing the force arrows. (If you decide to leave this in, it could be a challenge.)

AS 1S1W has a conquer token right at the beginning, trivialising high scores.

Pudding Factory has some great puzzles -- I particularly like 1E and 1N. 2N1E seems to be a harder version of 2N2E, so I'm not sure why it comes first. 1N1W looks terrifying (maybe this should be a secret room?) 1S1E was very fun, and 1S1W has an excellent linchpin.

I haven't played very far into the other levels yet, but hopefully I'll have some more feedback for you soon :)

50th Skywatcher
12-26-2015 at 01:57 AM
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Level: Delver
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Registered: 04-08-2009
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icon Re: Concept (0)  
Hi Nuntar,
Nuntar wrote:
A few problems. PF 2N3E is essentially identical to 2N2E; the on-off pressure plate doesn't change anything as you can just stand on it and the eye will come out (it is brained). Or you could push the brain or the second eye onto it very easily.
I think this is due to an unintentional solution. I've made the appropriate change in both 2N2E and 2N3E that hopefully solves that, if you wouldn't mind giving it a look.

Nuntar wrote:
SG 2N1E can be solved without ever crossing the force arrows. (If you decide to leave this in, it could be a challenge.)
I added this as a secret room, keeping with the theme of repeating the same room but with slight changes.
Nuntar wrote:
AS 1S1W has a conquer token right at the beginning, trivialising high scores.
I moved it to the end of the puzzle.
Nuntar wrote:
1N1W looks terrifying (maybe this should be a secret room?)

Overall, it has been a while since I've worked on this hold. It has been a work-in-progress over some time now so some levels are older than others. Some were even pulled from (or inspired by) a few even older holds. Thanks for the feedback!
12-27-2015 at 03:09 AM
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