I hope you will continue with this -- it looks lovely and many of the puzzles are excellent (though mostly a bit above my level....)
A few problems. PF 2N3E is essentially identical to 2N2E; the on-off pressure plate doesn't change anything as you can just stand on it and the eye will come out (it is brained). Or you could push the brain or the second eye onto it very easily.
SG 2N1E can be solved without ever crossing the force arrows. (If you decide to leave this in, it could be a challenge.)
AS 1S1W has a conquer token right at the beginning, trivialising high scores.
Pudding Factory has some great puzzles -- I particularly like 1E and 1N. 2N1E seems to be a harder version of 2N2E, so I'm not sure why it comes first. 1N1W looks terrifying (maybe this should be a secret room?) 1S1E was very fun, and 1S1W has an excellent linchpin.
I haven't played very far into the other levels yet, but hopefully I'll have some more feedback for you soon
50th Skywatcher