×Your hold, like many other beginner's holds, consists of mainly simple hack and slash "
. You should read
this thread for tips on making a good hold. (Really, why do people rarely read stickies? The post I linked to can be accessed from
this sticky.)
In my opinion, making 19 levels is simply too much. I would prefer a hold with a few good puzzles rather than lots of trivial rooms.
Speaking of the puzzle you gave a screenshot before (i.e. Eveia: The Entrance), this isn't a particularly difficult puzzle (although it is harder than the other puzzles in this hold), it is just very long. I think that this room is unclearable, you can't kill the roach queen at (19,14) due to the ortho squares blocking movement from (21,16) to (20,15).
This brings me to the next point, which is that the rooms have not yet been playtested. If you have playtested the aforementioned room, it would be obvious that at one point you would discover that the room is unclearable.
Oh, and finally, the use of a master wall is to lock access to bonus content until one masters the hold, i.e. clear all secret rooms, and
conquer the hold. Your hold seems to deny the player from exiting the hold by using a master wall. This causes the hold to become unwinnable because, as I mentioned before, conquering the hold is one of the conditions to unlock the master wall.
I do not mean to bash your hold, but I intend to give you advice so you can improve your hold building skills.