New version!
I've added 4 new rooms to the East - they may be a little bit on the difficult side (at least compared to the other rooms). Also, I put back 4W as I couldn't think of any way of changing it.
The new rooms seem especially prone to unintended solutions, so here are the intended locations of the golem corpses.
*spoilers* edit: ignore this now - the room have been swapped around
1E Click here to view the secret text
×(12,21), (12,23)
Click here to view the secret text
×2 golems get killed on the hot tiles
Click here to view the secret text
×(18,21), (18,22), (12,14), (10,21)
4E Click here to view the secret text
×(12,22), (18,17) to (23,17), and either (13,22) or (17,17)
In terms of puzzles, the hold is complete - all that's left to be done is to polish it, and then I'm done
[Last edited by da rogu3 at 05-26-2013 08:06 PM]