This is a fairly straightforward hold by the architect formerly known as JohnSoft + variations.
Although it's been a few years since his last published hold, there isn't anything here that's not been done before - hack and slash rooms, a few rooms of the "
lots of roach queens stuck in dead ends"
variety, some slayer rooms and even a room where you need to kill the slayer (at least I believe you do in order to activate the scripting). One thing as mentioned by Tahnan above is that all the text is in Russian, so even switching to a cyrillic font doesn't help me as it just replaces the boxes with cyrillic characters! It would be nice if some translation could be done if only to work out what's going on and what's being said.
There are vocals in this hold - again in Russian, and I would particularly recommend listening to Level 01: 1N2E - I couldn't begin to explain what's going on in there...
Overall, a fairly simple hold - although I would agree with Tahnan to some extent about the maze rooms, most of these are in the post mastery section anyway so shouldn't cause too much frustration with the main bulk of the hold.
My verdict:
Difficulty: 3
Fun: 5
Without struggle, there is no progress, so get up, get out, and go make the rest of your life the best of your life; you deserve to live the life that YOU want to live...
Progress - Gavin G
[Last edited by martz at 09-30-2011 04:21 PM]