Thanks so much for the comments Jacob!
1E: I haven't updated it yet, but I think this should be fixed by adding a trapdoor at 19,14 (and moving the yellow doors as an escape), so you only have that small space to move in (which shouldn't be enough to manipulate the adder into the space since it won't turn west)
1W: aww, no one seems to like the room. It was removed from my previous hold for the same reasons, people found it frustrating. I really like it though, but you're right, the queens and goblin aren't really needed. It's one of the rooms which get annoying if you don't do it the *exact* way. You might be interested in seeing my demo for it. I'm not sure yet whether I'll remove the room, or make it optional
Medium 1E:
Click here to view the secret text
×needs the queen in the eye section (the first 2 sections are related, as are the last 2 sections)
Oh, and medium:1W might be very frustrating to people, it's a room which I really like but I'm not sure whether others will.
As for the hub, after playing holds like museum of ooze, the level switching seems much more intuitive there, and I've changed to a similar system, removing the hub completely. I've also changed the level names to 1, 2 and 3.
I'm fairly busy over the weekend, so the next update will probably come around Monday.
[Last edited by da rogu3 at 06-03-2011 11:15 PM]