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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+2)  
Update!? It's actually possible.

This new update has a boss and score point for Level 5. I also guess the interest check for Level 6 begins now. I'll poke around in chat before making the list, so everybody knows what's up.

yeah yeah three months i know

Level 6 People:


[Insert witty comment here]

[Last edited by hyperme at 02-25-2016 06:42 PM]
02-14-2016 at 08:12 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
Yeah I'm up for more room making shenanigans.
02-15-2016 at 09:37 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+2)  
Tried making some different decisions. Current route:
- didn't use 1st altar
- didn't use handbomb
- still bought nothing but DEF, mostly because everyone else seems to be doing ATK and it's useful to see the differences

It seems the updated L5 altar really helps a lot. I actually had enough hp to fight multiple pirates now to get most gems on the level.

Reached the L5 boss with:
HP    ATK   DEF   GR     K
473   285   336   2568   11/6/0
There's still +21ATK available on L5 for various costs. Also a decent amount of HP-trades. I could probably get most of the gems before the boss if it's really necessary, especially by spending some more keys. I'm still not sure if you should require that, since it seems to favor buying ATK a lot.

Expected damage from boss is: 250 (50x5), which seems rather weak, when normal Pirates are doing nearly as much (188 at the moment).
02-17-2016 at 03:14 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+2)  
Alright, just beat the Level 5 boss.

- Used first altar 3 times, bought ATK all times
- Used hand bomb on Gel Golems in level 4 for Long Sword
- Used second altar total of 6 times (Lucky Greckle and left-behind monsters helped a lot, as well as huge GR rewards of most monsters in level 5).

The score checkpoint is misspelled: "Sentinal" should be "Sentinel".

Sentinal Golem Defeated!
HP: 333
ATK: 325
DEF: 264
Keys: 12/4/0

GR: 1008
REP: 10973

Score = 2625

(expected damage of boss: 366 = 122x3)
(expected damage of pirate: 166 = 166x1)


I wrote down a walkthrough in case the hold ID changes, or if anybody wants any hints.

Now to see what's behind the security doors...

EDIT: The answer is nothing. There's no room beyond there yet, the hold just stops.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 02-25-2016 04:30 AM]
02-25-2016 at 04:29 AM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+2)  
It's time for Level 6!

Here's a nice picture of the level map:

You'll note that each room has a number. Each person has also been assigned a number. Your rooms are the rooms containing your number. Rooms without numbers don't get changed. Simple! Once you're editing, you can remove the number, or work it into your room's layout. Here are the numbers:

1. Insoluble
2. Thelas
3. hyperme
4. Jeff_Ray...
5. Chaco
6. kieranmillar
7. Nuntar

(Both numberings provided by the lovely people at

Before you open up DROD RPG to start making your amazing rooms, here are some rules and guidelines. Breaking rules is super bad and shouldn't be done. You can get away with bending or even breaking the guidelines, however. Provided you do it in a way that enhances the hold.


1. Only edit your rooms. If you edit other rooms, I just won't copy them over to the main hold, so you can't get around this rule.
2. Don't edit the borders of your rooms. This messes up the connections with other rooms. If you changed the borders, I'll probably change them back.
3. No %-damage. That means no hot tiles, no Aumtlich and no custom monsters with the beam behavior. This also means no custom monsters that do %-damage via scripting tricks. If you add these, beam monsters will be replaced with a beamless custom monster with the same stats, and hot tiles will just be removed.
4. No rooms where the main feature is expending a bunch of resources just to be able to get between room entrances. This just ends up being a roadblock for weaker players, or the level layout means it's completely useless.
5. No Flippers. The hold uses water in ways to make them break things.
6. Don't talk about your room with other players. Or at least, the stuff actually in the room. You can say how much progress you've been making. Other forms of communication, such as youtube video, video streams and morse code, are also not allowed.


1. If you want some general RPG building advice, check out the DAA Architectural Handbook, especially the posts by Nuntar.
2. If you're thinking of adding an Accessory to your room, also check the post on Accessory abuse in the Handbook, by TFMurphy.
3. If you want to make a fancy custom item, consider how it will affect the overall game play. An accessory that converts Greckle gains into health gain is probably okay. An item that does the opposite probably isn't.
4. If you want the player to choose between things, don't make the choice really unbalanced. Stuff like getting smacked in the face by 3 swordsmen is going to be avoided if possible.
5. If you're going to rearrange the room using script commands, consider adding a NPC to give a hint about it.
6. Unless you've got an argument to back it up, avoid custom monsters or NPCs that reduce ATK or DEF. Equipment is okay. If you do, Rule 3 still applies.
7. Remember to have fun!

The Level:

Level 6 is the heart of the fortress, and thus has a modifier of x4. The style used is City. Based on the stats posted in thread, the player will probably have 260 to 330 ATK and similar levels of DEF.

There are custom monsters avalible to use for all. These are:

Ancient Eye, Grumbly Goblin, e-Vil Eye, Prime Roach, Collector, Phigundo and Triskipper.

Allegations that many of that monsters have stats based on mathematic constants and sequences are true.

The Hook and Knight Shield will be avalibe in the level. They will provide a large boost, and hopefully will be guarded appropriately.

The boss and blue doors will be in 3S. Blue doors will be added based on the number of blue keys.


To submit your rooms, email me your copy of the hold at clockoutguy[at]yahoo[dot] Replace the stuff in the brackets with the appropriate symbols. Alternately, upload the hold to Dropbox or something and send me a link in a PM.

I'll say that the deadline is the 6th of March. If you need more time, send me a PM and I'll be cool with it. If you need more time and don't send a PM, I will be grumpy.

The Hold:

The latest version of the hold is attached to the next post, with Level 6 set up for building.

If you have any questions, post them in the thread and I'll answer as quickly as I can.

[Insert witty comment here]
02-27-2016 at 02:52 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
And the hold. Level 6 is now accessible from Level 4: Quince South.

[Insert witty comment here]
02-27-2016 at 02:54 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
Alright, just sent in a couple of rooms that I made in literally about fifteen minutes.

Some other remarks:

- Some of the monsters on the conventional list still fulfill appropriate roles: Pirates, Rock Giants, and brained gel babies, Goblin Kings, etc.

- Gel Mothers are still going to be out of range for a while, as are most of the very high-DEF monsters. Even with the Hook, it's going to be a long time before it's practical to fight Prime Roaches, Phigundoes, or even Triskippers head-on. That said, I'd greatly appreciate it if this level were filled with ways to get even more ATK ;)

- Beware players running around with 330 ATK, or the Grappling Hook from level 1 (if they successfully kill the adder in level 5 and use the pickaxe to retrieve it).

- Temporary invisibility potions might be a sneaky way for a player to fight "above his weight class", as long as they're properly filtered out so the player can't retrieve or keep an unused one.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

02-27-2016 at 04:09 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+3)  
My rooms are in! One of them I'm fairly sure isn't terrible and the other might actually be good ^^
02-29-2016 at 09:37 PM
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File: RPG Anonymous 3.drh (40.2 KB)
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
New version!

+Level 6 is here
+Storage is here. You can access it from storage tiles, placed around the hold.
>Revamped the Prologue to mesh with the canon DROD storyline.

So now it's time to test Level 6. Please play through an report stats, so we can have a good boss for the level.

(Note: Currently, the Everbane Blade partially works on oremites. This is a bug! Don't use this to gain stuff.)

edit: i messed up the storage script. it is now fixed
edit 2: i also messed up the link between level 4 and level 6. way to go. fix is now here

[Insert witty comment here]

[Last edited by hyperme at 03-07-2016 11:21 PM]
03-07-2016 at 06:32 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
After replaying the hold, I completed Level 5 with these stats:

674 HP (including the post-L5 boss stash)
358 ATK
267 DEF
6118 GR

17/5/2 keys

Level 6 completed! Final stats:
Click here to view the secret text

Notes on Level 6:
Click here to view the secret text

Other notes on the choices I made this playthrough:
Click here to view the secret text

50th Skywatcher

[Last edited by Nuntar at 03-08-2016 12:43 AM]
03-07-2016 at 11:45 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
Quick note: In Level 6 2S, the northeast corner of the water moat has a corner missing, meaning it's possible to step on a corner, splat the Red Guard in one hit, and get his +4 ATK and +4 DEF for free. I heavily doubt that's intentional, recommend nobody do that, and that hyperme fix that by adding another water tile in the next version.

EDIT: Oh yeah, hyperme, your script to make the player go from level 4 to level 6 in Level 4: Quince South is broken; it only works once. You need to add an Imperative: Restart on Room Entrance to it so it'll work all the time. Same applies to the script in Level 6: The Entrance.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 03-08-2016 05:20 AM]
03-08-2016 at 05:04 AM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
I confirm that is not intentional and should be fixed - I must have deleted the water while clearing out items I placed in the room for testing purposes.
(I wonder what people who haven't played my rooms yet think of "the Red Guard" and "his +4 ATK and +4 DEF", given what level we're on. ^^)

Edit: Also, I was just informed that grappling hooks work over water, which I hadn't realized. It's very likely the room needs to be changed (replace all water with obstacles? I don't know if that even works or if there's some other accessory that breaks that...), assuming our host is okay with that change as well.

[Last edited by Thelas at 03-08-2016 05:27 AM]
03-08-2016 at 05:19 AM
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File: RPG Anonymous 3.drh (40.2 KB)
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
New version that unbreaks the level connection, L6: 2S and a music thing.

[Insert witty comment here]
03-08-2016 at 05:25 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
Played through L6

Big choices
Click here to view the secret text

Click here to view the secret text

Might comment on specific rooms later. L5 and L6 entrances could be set to show only once to be consistent with all other levels. Makes backtracking a bit more convenient too.
03-08-2016 at 07:04 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
Proposal: Change the black gate in Level 6: 1S2W at (9, 1) to a red gate. As it turned out, the northeast corner is easily accessible at any time, so the combination of that and the Ancient Eye hallway with the yellow door doesn't actually block anything, and both sides of that gate are reachable from the start.

Thus, to aid movement around the level, that black gate should be either made easier to open, removed, or otherwise made irrelevant.

I'm still in the middle of my Level 6 playthrough, but I'll post my stats when I have 4 blue keys like Doom does.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 03-09-2016 12:49 AM]
03-09-2016 at 12:48 AM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
Okay, I'm at a good point to post my stats (to help with the boss).

I more heavily specialized in ATK, but left a bit of ATK lying around (particularly the ATK in rooms 1W and 1S1E) in case I can make it cheaper using more stats from the final levels.

HP: 6035
ATK: 506
DEF: 430
GR: 8545
REP: 30826

Keys: 19/5/3/0

Important decisions and remarks:

- Still haven't used the speed potion yet. Level 6 1S1W could be a good room to use it in, to kill the Rock Giant and take one fewer hit, or maybe in Level 6 1S1E to drastically reduce the number of Slayer hits taken (and kill e-Vil eyes in two hits early, and kill rock giants easier).

- Used level 5 altar one more time for 7683 GR, bought 5 ATK. It's not worth using the Lucky Greckle to rush to 11524 GR, since 11K GR for 5 ATK is awful compared to 5K REP for 5 ATK, so I got the VIP Card fairly early after I bought that upgrade and got double REP from monsters from that point onward. If there's an altar in level 7 I'll only incidentally use it if I happen to get that much money while killing other stuff.

- Still haven't bothered to actually unlock the REP guy; got enough ATK to get by without him. Looking at his script, he's a re-usable store, not just a one-time boost, so it's possible I might have been able to get some use out of him, but it's very unattractive to bee-line to him due to Level 6 1N1E's Triskippers (and Grumbly Goblin I guess).

- Made my main goal getting 500 ATK for the Level 6 1S1W Double-Brained Rock Giant, and managed to do it and reap the benefits.

- With these stats, it's not hard to go through Level 6 2S and get everything, and come out of there with more health (and stats) than I entered with, but I'll still probably put it off until I get more DEF (possibly the next shield).

- I could get the Level 5 1S blue key very easily (green key + ~250 damage from Swordsman, kill Zweihandermann in one hit), but I'll try to put it off until I get more defense to make that cheaper. If I have to get it immediately for the level 6 boss, it's no problem at all.

- Adders do only 850 damage now, so I can get the Level 6 2S1W blue key for only 1700 damage if I have to get it immediately. If I don't, I'm leaving it for later, of course - an individual ATK and DEF gem aren't worth that much damage if I could reduce the Adder's damage later.

- I now one-shot e-Vil Eyes, and safely kill Pirates, and am also well on my way to safely killing tri-skippers and Prime Roaches with no damage taken.

Expected damage from Slayer: 2990 (130 x 23). Looks like DEF is the key to reducing this guy's damage sooner rather than later.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 03-09-2016 01:49 AM]
03-09-2016 at 01:45 AM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
This run was not optimized at all on the last two levels because I sort of ran out of mental energy; I think L1/2 were basically optimal and L3/4 were semi-competent.
I've also gotten most everything available stats-wise - some score-positive trades were not taken if they might be more score-positive later - I did make sure to get four blue keys in case that was the boss requirement, could have much more hp if I didn't.
First altar skipped, second altar pure ATK.

HP 4439
ATK 570
DEF 450
GR 7778
REP 25859
Keys 4/10/4/0
Inventory: Hook, Knight Shield, Lucky Greckle, 2x Hand Bomb, Wooden Sword
Speed Potion and Pickaxe not collected.

03-09-2016 at 02:28 PM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
My run was quite similar to Chaco's, but I have no idea how I ended up with this many keys. :P

HP: 6162
ATK: 535
DEF: 440
GR: 10910 (just 614 away from the next upgrade!)
REP: 39293
Keys: 28/11/3 (One more blue key would cost me a green key and 240 hp)

I also have only used one hand bomb - I haven't even bothered to pick up the speed potion yet. Slayers do 2400 damage.

[Last edited by Someone Else at 03-09-2016 03:26 PM]
03-09-2016 at 03:24 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
The REP --> ATK guy isn't supposed to be reusable, so oops if he is. Also it looks like 2k rep for 1 attack might be better balanced in the long run?
03-10-2016 at 12:06 AM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
kieranmillar wrote:
The REP --> ATK guy isn't supposed to be reusable, so oops if he is. Also it looks like 2k rep for 1 attack might be better balanced in the long run?

I feel like 1k rep -> 1 ATK might be a bit much indeed. Right now, even before the level 7, I could use it for a +57 atk boost.
On the other hand, this makes for an interesting choice as to when to use the boost, since the benefits will probably be huge.
03-10-2016 at 07:58 PM
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File: RPG Anonymous 3.drh (43.6 KB)
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+2)  
New version!? Boss fight for Level 6, and some other things. Also, Grumbly Goblins now drop money.

also you can sign up for Level 7 now.

Level 7 people:

Someone Else

[Insert witty comment here]

[Last edited by hyperme at 03-16-2016 06:48 PM]
03-12-2016 at 06:00 PM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
Why not - I'll throw my hat in the ring for this one.
03-12-2016 at 08:03 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
Smart Slayer Slain!
Click here to view the secret text

03-12-2016 at 10:05 PM
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Level: Goblin
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
Count me in for level 7, let's try it :)

For reference, after the smart slayer:
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Nitrate at 03-13-2016 02:14 AM]
03-12-2016 at 11:20 PM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
In the current version of the hold, the stairs in Level 1: The Entrance are still reachable if you use the pickaxe to break the wall beside the force arrow line.

I suggest making the line two rows thick, to make it non-passable.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

03-13-2016 at 12:59 AM
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
Okay, just beat the Smart Slayer for access to level 7. An easy way to beat him is to just use the Hand Bomb on him, but that's just so unsatisfying. I used the Everbane Blade to kill him since it saves about 4000 HP compared to using the Hook (~11000 damage instead of ~15000)

Smart Slayer Slain!
HP: 147
ATK: 309 (529 with Hook)
DEF: 388 (438 with Hook)
Keys: 17/10/1

GR: 1493
REP: 38888

Score = 3112


* Did go through Level 6 2S to get some more ATK to get up to an ATK threshold (and some more DEF).

* Bought the 11524 GR altar upgrade for +5 ATK... and got *all* of those greckles while holding the VIP Card.

* Didn't kill either adder in level 6 yet; still waiting on those.

* As such, the blue keys in Level 5 1S and Level 6 2S1W are still lying on the ground.

* Still have a Grappling Hook, Speed Potion and Hand Bomb available to bring into level 7.

* There's a decent amount of HP still lying around in level 6 that I could buy with keys, if I wanted.

* Just for point of reference, with the Everbane Blade an Archivist (1000 HP, 800 ATK, 500 DEF) does only 412 x 3 = 1236 damage (compared to 12308 if I fight him with the Hook).

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 03-13-2016 02:15 AM]
03-13-2016 at 02:15 AM
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Someone Else
Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1332
Registered: 06-14-2005
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
Pretty similar to Chaco's - except that I did kill one adder. I haven't used any usable accessories.

HP: 311
ATK: 548
DEF: 448
GR: 3599
REP: 48179
KEYS: 18/11/1
03-13-2016 at 03:17 AM
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Registered: 06-23-2006
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File: rpga37.png (2.2 KB)
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
It's time for Level 7, the final bonus level of RPGA3.

Here's a nice picture of the level map:

You'll note that each room has a number. Each person has also been assigned a number. Your rooms are the rooms containing your number. Rooms without numbers don't get changed. Simple! Once you're editing, you can remove the number, or work it into your room's layout. Here are the numbers:

1. hyperme
2. kieranmillar
3. Chaco
4. Thelas
5. Nuntar
6. Insoluble
7. Nitrate
8. Someone Else

(Numberings provided by the lovely people at

Before you open up DROD RPG to start making your amazing rooms, here are some rules and guidelines. Breaking rules is super bad and shouldn't be done. You can get away with bending or even breaking the guidelines, however. Provided you do it in a way that enhances the hold.


1. Only edit your rooms. If you edit other rooms, I just won't copy them over to the main hold, so you can't get around this rule.
2. Don't edit the borders of your rooms. This messes up the connections with other rooms. If you changed the borders, I'll probably change them back.
3. No %-damage. That means no hot tiles, no Aumtlich and no custom monsters with the beam behavior. This also means no custom monsters that do %-damage via scripting tricks. If you add these, beam monsters will be replaced with a beamless custom monster with the same stats, and hot tiles will just be removed.
4. No rooms where the main feature is expending a bunch of resources just to be able to get between room entrances. This just ends up being a roadblock for weaker players, or the level layout means it's completely useless.
5. Don't talk about your room with other players. Or at least, the stuff actually in the room. You can say how much progress you've been making. Other forms of communication, such as youtube video, video streams and morse code, are also not allowed.


1. If you want some general RPG building advice, check out the DAA Architectural Handbook, especially the posts by Nuntar.
2. If you're thinking of adding an Accessory to your room, also check the post on Accessory abuse in the Handbook, by TFMurphy.
3. If you want to make a fancy custom item, consider how it will affect the overall game play. An accessory that converts Greckle gains into health gain is probably okay. An item that does the opposite probably isn't.
4. If you want the player to choose between things, don't make the choice really unbalanced. Stuff like getting smacked in the face by 3 swordsmen is going to be avoided if possible.
5. If you're going to rearrange the room using script commands, consider adding a NPC to give a hint about it.
6. Unless you've got an argument to back it up, avoid custom monsters or NPCs that reduce ATK or DEF. Equipment is okay. If you do, Rule 3 still applies.
7. Remember to have fun!

The Level:

Level 7 is on the surface, and thus has a modifier of x4. The style used is Aboveground. Various stats have been posted for you to consider.

There are custom monsters avalible to use for all. These are:

Delta Roach, Delta Roach Egg, Delta Roach Queen*, Greater Soulless, Pi-rate, Enigmatic Wubba^, Mastermind**, Primewing, Lucky Seep and Limey Eye

*Lays eggs
**Doubles monster ATK
^Has swapped ATK and DEF is player is using the Everbane Blade.

The end sequence for the level will be in 4W and beyond.

The tunnels in 3N2W and 3S2W are connected via scripting magic.


To submit your rooms, email me your copy of the hold at clockoutguy[at]yahoo[dot] Replace the stuff in the brackets with the appropriate symbols. Alternately, upload the hold to Dropbox or something and send me a link in a PM.

I'll say that the deadline is the 28th of March. If you need more time, send me a PM and I'll be cool with it. If you need more time and don't send a PM, I will be grumpy.

The Hold:

The latest version of the hold is attached to the next post, with Level 7 set up for building.

If you have any questions, post them in the thread and I'll answer as quickly as I can.

[Insert witty comment here]
03-20-2016 at 05:35 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1128
Registered: 06-23-2006
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File: RPG Anonymous 3.drh (46 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (0)  
the hold!

level 7 included.

[Insert witty comment here]
03-20-2016 at 05:36 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3639
Registered: 10-06-2005
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icon Re: RPG Anonymous 3 (+1)  
Some further remarks:

- Almost all of the supplied enemies have really high defense, meaning that, without modifiers like oremites or forced weapon usage, they pretty much have to be fought with the Everbane Blade. Of course, you don't have to use *just* those enemies. The only monsters that are practical to fight with normal weapons (such as the Hook, or the Really Big Sword if somebody installs one) would be Adders, Serpents, and the Slayer - pretty much anything with around 350 DEF or less.

- A room trade idea: Combining forced hits with direct combat could be a way to make the choices of equipment more interesting - using the Hook to have higher defense means less damage from unavoidable hits but a harder time killing the enemy, whereas the Everbane Blade means more damage from the unavoidable hits but less damage from the enemy.

- Most of the monsters in level 6 (let alone the previous floors) are outclassed by now, but could still be used as "damage now or kill in one hit later" choices, or forced sword hits.

- This is the last level, so players will only be able to get up to a certain amount of statistics, and your trades will only get "so good".

- Players might still be backtracking to the Altar or REP Guy, specifically.

- You can always place an extra Storage Space in your room if you anticipate the player might want to swap equipment.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 03-20-2016 06:46 PM]
03-20-2016 at 06:40 PM
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