Here's a demo file with all of my demos for this hold. It was a short but interesting hold with some interesting rooms in it - if this was arrived at by taking many rooms and removing the less interesting ones, then I think this hold benefited from that process.
I didn't try particularly hard to break any of these rooms, but I'm interested in what the intended solution to Guard Barracks: 2N is, since it looks like there might be more than one way to do that room.
Also, it's possible to reach the eastern staircase in Sactuary[sic] 9: 2N3E by coming in from the western staircase, leaving the room to the west by the northern narrow passage (the one without the pressure plate) then re-entering and walking straight to the staircase.
Overall, this was a good hold and I'm interested in seeing what else you might add to it - a meaningful story, for instance.
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text