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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Just been to the end of hold scroll. As ususal, i took the ATK route, with DEF only when it's necessary.

I guess most of the things have already been mentioned, so I'll just put my scores here: (474/163/130/20xx/28xx/3/4/1). That means that I still haven't got the flippers or the card, both seem to be useless with the current level setup. I do have a invis postion, an orb and a bomb, and I have another orb that I didn't take.

To be honest, I'm not going to replay this hold if I have to restart the whole hold again every time you change something.

By the way, holds will not be promoted if there are any suspicions that copyrighted images are used. So if that picture of the 1st Scientist isn't yours, it's probably better if you remove it.

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.

[Last edited by Tim at 01-08-2009 01:44 AM]
01-08-2009 at 01:44 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
That arrow thing is fixed in the next version, you guys won't have to restart from the beginning in the next version, I'll have to change the 1st Scientist picture, the level curve goes up at like level 6, and it is deliberate.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
01-08-2009 at 02:14 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
The flippers aren't useless in the current setup, there's stuff in Conyard Tunnel you can get, and a little bit more in Summerspring. It's just that I don't think anybody's managed to get the necessary greckles based on what's here.
01-08-2009 at 03:38 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Gordius wrote:
The flippers aren't useless in the current setup, there's stuff in Conyard Tunnel you can get, and a little bit more in Summerspring. It's just that I don't think anybody's managed to get the necessary greckles based on what's here.

They're not meant to be very easy anyway. :P But monsters will still give greckles, so it ought to be easier.

Edit: Next version will have the full hold finished. Then I'll fix a couple bugs, pretty sure there'll be some, and it'd be done.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 01-08-2009 05:25 AM]
01-08-2009 at 04:17 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
I got the necessary greckles. It wasn't worth it in the long run, but it's possible.
01-08-2009 at 07:12 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
I think I know why it can be harder later on. The *2 level curve is really, really high after a while. So instead, after you reach level 5, it simply adds 500 instead of multiplying by two. You'd need so much rep otherwise...

Edit: Oh god, by replaying again through I found so many bugs, missing scripts to allow backtracking etc... But at the end of my replay, with the new level I put in, I was at about 9000 greckles -after- buying the flippers <.< Thanks to the Mirror Shield.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 01-08-2009 11:02 PM]
01-08-2009 at 09:47 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Don't worry, I ain't giving up on Einar just yet. College began this week, had loads of stuff to do, working slowly on the very last part right now. And also, working on the sequel somewhat, I decided to take that next one very slowly and to make incredible boss fights that will require more than plain hack and slash through to win. I personally love designing the explosion fights (even if a bit loud... I wanna mute em) as it requires you to keep moving kind of like the Classic drod, but includes a fight with RPG stats as well. See what I mean with the 1st Scientist chase (but on a smaller scale, one room, two at most instead of an entire level).

So before I finish putting the last lines of scripting, I'd like to thank everyone who played through this and especially those who began from the start many times (I'm sorry!) and your patience. I'd also like to thank everyone who helped me through the CaravelNet chat when I could access it. I hope you don't hate me for forgetting your names, you know who you are. Once I finish this and Tim allows us to submit holds, I'll look forward to try and squeeze it on the Holds board list. :)

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
01-24-2009 at 03:35 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
I have a special mission for Blondbeard or anyone willing to get as much optimised as they can. If you're interested, send me a PM with the title "Einar".

For convenience, here's the Last Version for now, it will be fixed after people test it up, and the real strength of the last boss will reflect said optimisation. That's why I'd need more than one person on it. Right now it's not so hard, but it should be harder.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 02-14-2009 05:33 AM]
02-14-2009 at 02:20 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Can I restore from one of my later save-points?
02-14-2009 at 05:04 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Anything before the room with the fegundo and the aumtliches will be good, I believe. Also, stats before fighting the optional boss, cause it's that guy I want to tune up to the maximum.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
02-14-2009 at 05:14 PM
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icon Re: Einar (+1)  
All righty :) My stats before the fight: 5699/148/242/4/4/1. In my possesion I have one invisibility potion and a speed potion. I also have the Mirror Shield. I obtained it by using the wall walk past the door to Chemical Lair, thus saving the portable orb. I could alternatly have picked the wyrmsmiter, but I don't think that would change the fight muchely. I would have 60 more ATK and 90 less DEF. I would save 800 lives by doing that...

A side note: You can choose between the vip card and a vepon/shield. I doubt the vip card is worth that much...

[Last edited by Blondbeard at 02-14-2009 09:46 PM]
02-14-2009 at 09:27 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Blondbeard wrote:
All righty :) My stats before the fight: 5699/148/242/4/4/1. In my possesion I have one invisibility potion and a speed potion. I also have the Mirror Shield. I obtained it by using the wall walk past the door to Chemical Lair, thus saving the portable orb. I could alternatly have picked the wyrmsmiter, but I don't think that would change the fight muchely. I would have 60 more ATK and 90 less DEF. I would save 800 lives by doing that...

A side note: You can choose between the vip card and a vepon/shield. I doubt the vip card is worth that much...

After obtaining the flippers, there is a secret room with loads of wubbas, so if you pick the RBS (you need a skeleton key for this, and there is only 1 in the whole hold) you can smite them easily. As you know, they give a lot of rep, so the card would double the levels you'd get... loads of stats and loads of HP at the same time. Shields and swords would only give you 1 of either def or str and only temporarily, whereas leveling up is permanent. I doubt getting both the RBS and the O Shield is possible, since you can't possibly get over 14k greckles total, but I haven't tested that. You can pick up a knight shield and a hook, both of which have either the same or more stats than the mirror shield and the wyrmsmiter, the shield actually has 20 more def than mirror. The speed potion should be used when low HP, I love putting the "since you're fast, bombs do half damage" kinda thing. Took me a while to learn about it too.

One last thing, it's actually a choice between the VIP card, the Wyrmsmiter or the Mirror shield. If you don't get the Mirror shield, it won't be easy to gather the 4k greckles for the flippers, but if you get the shield, then you can't get the card... Choices, choices. In the end, I'd think the VIP card looks better than either of the other items. Lots of snakes in the final part, and if you got enough power with the RBS, then that's so much Rep, only to name a way of making it super useful.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
02-14-2009 at 11:34 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Heh! I already had almost 4k greckles when I picked up the shield. Anyway... You might be right about the VIP card. I think you are. And you can definitly get two of the three items.

[Last edited by Blondbeard at 02-15-2009 07:07 AM]
02-15-2009 at 07:06 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Blondbeard, can you still get two out of three items now that the door to Chemical Lair is two wide?

Fang, in Autumnfall 5N5E, you can stand on the water at the left side with the flippers, and change in your inventory to the Grappling Hook to get to both of the caches. It looks like the optimal way to manage this section is to take the right path in 4N5E, choose whichever caches in those paths. Use the flippers to come back through the arrows in 4N3E, get both caches in 4N4E and 5N5E, and then one cache in 5N4E.

Also, and this may just be me being stupid, but I'm stuck trying to find the blue key in Northern Autumnfall. I can get to the door in 4N6E, but I don't have any way to open it, and I can't find any place I haven't dealt with. Is there a trick here I'm missing?
02-16-2009 at 03:29 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Gordius wrote:
Blondbeard, can you still get two out of three items now that the door to Chemical Lair is two wide?

Fang, in Autumnfall 5N5E, you can stand on the water at the left side with the flippers, and change in your inventory to the Grappling Hook to get to both of the caches. It looks like the optimal way to manage this section is to take the right path in 4N5E, choose whichever caches in those paths. Use the flippers to come back through the arrows in 4N3E, get both caches in 4N4E and 5N5E, and then one cache in 5N4E.

Also, and this may just be me being stupid, but I'm stuck trying to find the blue key in Northern Autumnfall. I can get to the door in 4N6E, but I don't have any way to open it, and I can't find any place I haven't dealt with. Is there a trick here I'm missing?

The pirate should have a blue key under him. I don't remember posting an earlier version with him in it, and if so, then it wasn't there (I tested twice and actually found out there was one key missing >.> )

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
02-16-2009 at 05:02 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
I downloaded the newest version and started from scratch, and there's no blue key under the pirate. Even going into Build Levels to check, there's no blue key under the pirate.
02-16-2009 at 08:01 PM
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File: Einar.drh (682.4 KB)
Downloaded 91 times.
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Weird. I'll reupload it right away.

Edit: Terribly sorry about that. It should be there now.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 02-16-2009 09:56 PM]
02-16-2009 at 09:54 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Yes, Gordius. It's still possible to use a Wall Walk in order to by-pass the door at the end of Road to the Abyss.
02-18-2009 at 01:21 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Blondbeard wrote:
Yes, Gordius. It's still possible to use a Wall Walk in order to by-pass the door at the end of Road to the Abyss.

That sounds logical now that you mention it. To be honest, there aren't really any difference in using the wall walk there or for the card, since the card requires you to get past that little wall square anyway, so an orb could do the trick.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
02-18-2009 at 10:43 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
I know I'm a bit late but still...

How can you get those stat boosts in Autumnfall waterway 2S.
I have the grappling hook and Wall walking, goblin biter and wooden shield

Same with 2S1E I don't think that you can grapple to places with items on them.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss,
Unfortunately I am neither

[Last edited by Connoraustin at 02-19-2009 03:39 PM]
02-19-2009 at 03:38 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Here's some of my stats at some of the score checkpoints in the hold. This is a really neat hold with some interesting item mechanics, although there are some issues with the hold that I've already pointed out to Fang in the CaravelNet chat, including lack of checkpoints or level-beginning autosaves, just some after bosses, and ways to abuse items in unintended manners :)

Obviously this hold isn't yet finished but I'm liking what I see so far. Still working on the Chemical Lair, but I'll have more specific comments to actually put in this thread later.

Checkpoint statistics:

Click here to view the secret text

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

03-16-2009 at 02:13 AM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
Connoraustin wrote:
I know I'm a bit late but still...

How can you get those stat boosts in Autumnfall waterway 2S.
I have the grappling hook and Wall walking, goblin biter and wooden shield

Same with 2S1E I don't think that you can grapple to places with items on them.

You can very well grapple to spots with items on them. You can't if there's a closed door or a monster or an obstacle, but an accessory, it's possible.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein
03-16-2009 at 10:12 PM
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icon Re: Einar (0)  
That is to say, you can grapple to items *IF* you've installed the latest official patch to DROD RPG, which you can get from the Downloads link near the top of the screen.
03-16-2009 at 10:32 PM
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