Blondbeard wrote:
All righty
My stats before the fight: 5699/148/242/4/4/1. In my possesion I have one invisibility potion and a speed potion. I also have the Mirror Shield. I obtained it by using the wall walk past the door to Chemical Lair, thus saving the portable orb. I could alternatly have picked the wyrmsmiter, but I don't think that would change the fight muchely. I would have 60 more ATK and 90 less DEF. I would save 800 lives by doing that...
A side note: You can choose between the vip card and a vepon/shield. I doubt the vip card is worth that much...
After obtaining the flippers, there is a secret room with loads of wubbas, so if you pick the RBS (you need a skeleton key for this, and there is only 1 in the whole hold) you can smite them easily. As you know, they give a lot of rep, so the card would double the levels you'd get... loads of stats and loads of HP at the same time. Shields and swords would only give you 1 of either def or str and only temporarily, whereas leveling up is permanent. I doubt getting both the RBS and the O Shield is possible, since you can't possibly get over 14k greckles total, but I haven't tested that. You can pick up a knight shield and a hook, both of which have either the same or more stats than the mirror shield and the wyrmsmiter, the shield actually has 20 more def than mirror. The speed potion should be used when low HP, I love putting the "
since you're fast, bombs do half damage"
kinda thing. Took me a while to learn about it too.
One last thing, it's actually a choice between the VIP card, the Wyrmsmiter or the Mirror shield. If you don't get the Mirror shield, it won't be easy to gather the 4k greckles for the flippers, but if you get the shield, then you can't get the card... Choices, choices. In the end, I'd think the VIP card looks better than either of the other items. Lots of snakes in the final part, and if you got enough power with the RBS, then that's so much Rep, only to name a way of making it super useful.
Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein