Important! The game crashes from walking down the alternate ending stairs. Also see my comment above, and please don't make the alternate ending any easier by changing the cost to reach the lucky greckle. The alternate ending is supposed to be hardcore!
My walkthrough. Follow it roughly and you shall reach all endings:
Click here to view the secret text
Cell block D
1S: Get the ATK gem, get the DEF gem, get the sword and key.
1W: Get the potion
1N1W: Kill the WW, get the potion.
1N: Get the potions and the ATK gem.
2N: Kill the WW, get the gem and key and potion. Kill the roach, the spider and the eye.
2N1W: Get everything.
2N1E: Get the potions.
2N2E: Get the potion.
3N3E: Kill roach queen and get gem and potion in 3N4E, Kill the spider, get gems and potion. Kill WW and get key.
2N3E: Kill eys on preasure plates, pick up ATK gem without killing eyes. Pick up potions. Stats: 297/25/15/1/0/0. 81 GR
2N4E: Kill roach, kill roachqueen, pick up gem and key. Get the potions.
3N4E: Kill spider. Get gem.
3N5E: Kill everything, except antlion, get the DEF gem and the potion behind bars. Pick up another medium potion.
1N3E: Kill WW, get gem. Kill roach queen.
3E: Get top potion and the next potion. After killing the spider: 6/26/18/1/0/0.
4E: Get free potions, kill spiders, kill eyes, get everything.
1S5E: Get shield.
Go back to 1N3E, kill eye, get gem, kill mud baby, get gem, kill spider, get gem.
Get one medium and one small potion in 1N4E.
Get one small potion in 3E.
1S3E: Press the plate. Get the potion, then the gems.
Get HP left behind where accessable at no cost (and a green key).
Get it all in 1S2E. Stats: 1322/32/32/1/1/0/0. 328 GR
1E: Don’t kill the brain.
1N1E: Grab the gems.
1W: Take key.
1N1E: Use key, get gem.
1N2E: Grey man slayed: 1024/34/33/0/1/0/0.
3N3E: Kill the mud mother, get the password.
Cell block C
Entrance: Use greckles, open door.
1N: Get shield.
1E: Get DEF gem, get ATK gem.
2N1E: Get keys and gem.
1N1E: Kill mud baby.
1N2E: Get everything, except potion.
1S: Get sword.
2S: Get gem and keys. 1003/62/59/3/3/0/0. 697 GR.
1N1E: Get ATK gem.
2S3E: I wasted a couple of HP on being forced to kill an unnecesarry mud baby. Opened the red door.
3S3E: Kill the antlion, get DEF gem.
3S2E: Open grackle gates, get gems.
2S2E: Open grackle gate, get gems.
2N: Get key without stepping on any hot-tiles.
Cell block D: Kill monsters that can’t harm you, get a DEF gem left behind.
Cell block C
3S2E: Get the tar without killing any babies. Kill the antlion and get his gem (I think he had one). 718/70/68/4/3/1/0. 1728 GR
4S2E: Get the gems behind grackle gates.
3S1E: Step on the preasure plate (without killing any soulless) and get the gems behind that door. Kill the soulless on the trapdoor, drop the trapdoor, grab ATK gem and potion. Kill golem, get key.
4S2E: Kill golem, get ATK gem.
3S: Take large potion, get goblin biter.
3S3E: Kill Mud baby, get ATK gem.
4S2E: Kill goblin, get ATK gem.
2S3E: Get the 2 potions and the green key.
4S1E: Take the potion.
4S2E: take the potion and exit to the E without killing the soulless.
4S3E: Get the potions.
5S3E: Get the potions.
Cell block B
Entrance: Take the potion.
1S3E: Get the ATK gem and the potion.
2S2E: Get a potion, and the gem (after completing the loop to open the red door).
2S3E: Get potions.
1E: Get ATK and DEF gems behind grackle gates.
1S1E: Get potion.
1S2E: Get the gems.
Cell block C
3S1W: Get ATK gem.
1S1W: Use two green keys, kill the brains. Kill the monsters, go get the shield.
Cell block B
1E: Get potion, get gem and potion.
1S2W: (yes I went there now) Get potion.
1N1E: Get blue key and gems
2E: Get the sword and gems
2S1E: Drop red door, kill soulless
3S1E: Kill soulless, get gems, use secret.
4S1E: Get gems and key.
1S2W: Kill monster, leave one baby alive.
2S2W: Kill baby
2S1W: Open green door, kill rattler.
3S: Get gems. 48/150/140/0/2/0/0. 4133 GR
1S1W: Get keys. Open grackle gates, and two yellow doors. Open green door, get the gem. Open grackle gates and yellow door, get DEF gem.
2S1W: Get the gems.
1W: Kill everything and get gems.
1S1W: Kill the soulless, get the DEF gem.
2S: Kill the soullesses. Get potion and gems.
Cell block C
4S2E: Kill the soulless
3S2E: Kill everything, get ATK gem.
1S1W: Kill the guard, get the gems the keys and the potion.
4S2E: Open doors, get DEF gems.
4S1E: Exit to the south.
Cell block B:
Pick up large potion in 1N1E.
Kill Convict Catcher. 440/178/2/1/0
Cell block A
1N1E: Kill guard, Get shield gem
1N2E: Get potion
1N3E: Kill swordsman, step on hot tiles, grab potion and gems.
1N4E: Take ATK gem.
1N3E: step on hot-tiles to escape.
1N1E: Grab potions and green key
3E: Stab three guards.
Cell block B (collect potions)
Take large potion in 1W, take large potion in 2S1W
Cell block A: Get the hook.
Previous levels: Go kill everything that’s free to kill. And grab a large potion in Cell Block B 4S1E.
Cell Block A
1N: Kill guard, get potion.
2N: Get potion.
3N: Kill monsters on trapdoors.
3N1E: Kill monsters not on trapdoors, get a large potion and a medium potion. Get everything behind doors. Kill all monsters. Greckles acquired 8194!
2N2E: Pay the price, go kill the brain.
2N: Kill a guard, get the flippers.
1N2E: Use flippers to open red door.
2E: Kill the guards, get the blue key.
Cell block D (and get a key on the way in cell block C 3S1W)
1S3E: Kill aumtlich, get very big sword.
1S: Kill aumtlich, get skeleton key.
Cell block A
2E: Get all gems, kill all one kill monsters.
3E: Kill guard, and get hurt.
1N4E: Get gem and green key.
3N: Get gems
4N: Kill all, get ATK gem
1N1W: Kill all.
2N2W: Sidestep the mother by using a door. Open green door.
2N1W: Get ATK gems, and a blue key.
1N2W: get gem, exit through red door, and take damage from one guard.
2W: Get shield.
4N: Get grappling hook, gem and potion.
Cell block B
1S4E: Get the stuff.
2E: Get the stuff.
2S2W: Use grappler to get past the guardians.
3S2W: Get all gems and keys.
1S: Get all gems (probably sub optimal to wait this long to get them, but oh well...)
Cell block A
2N1W: Kill the guards, get the gems.
Kill all monsters that are free to kill.
2N2W: Kill the mother.
3N2W: Use two green keys. Use flippers and grapple hook to kill as many aumtlichs as you can. Get gems.
4N2W: get gems, use secret passage.
Cell block B: use the merchant seven times.
Cell block A
Get a medium potion in 2N2W and the potions in 4N2W.
Kill the cell keeper.
6N2W: Get the gems and keys.
Imperial Defense
Entrance: open door.
1E: Get two DEF gems.
1N1E (from secret passage) kill aumtlich, get ATK gem. Use grappler to get every gem except the one at 14,2. You will loose every HP except one.
Go up to cell block C and collect HP til you have 2001 HP. Also get two blue keys at the cost of one skeleton key with the grappling hook.
Cell block B
3S3E: Get the ormite shield. 17/459/467/10/4/2/2
Imperial Defense
1N1E: Kill the aumtlichs on the ormite. Get the ATK gem.
2N1E: Kill one giant, use grappling hook.
2N2E: Waste a yellow key to kill an aumtlich (bad planning).
3N2E: Kill an adder, get gems
Entrance: Use second merchant once.
2N3E: use green key to kill one aumtlich
Get three medium potions.
2N2E: Kill an azure warden, get gems.
1N1E: Get the skeleton key.
2N2E: Get a large potion.
2N3E: Kill adder, get gems, kill rock giants.
3N4E, get the speed potion, go get the grappling hook. Kill the aumtlichs. Open the blue doors.
Pick potions on this level, and the previous, until you have 822 lives
Kill serpent in 3N2W, get the gems.
2N1E: Kill giants. Get key. Go get speed potion.
Go to first level and get a small potion, Wall walk by blowing bombs while speeded.
Go to cell block B and use the wall walk to get the hand bomb in 3W.
Get large potion in 7N2W.
Go break the game by hand-bombing the vat keeper. (You can right now), but seriously. Get the grappler back.
Cell block A, 6N2W: grab the second large potion.
Go kill the cell keeper after picking up a medium potion.
Now is the time to get that luckey greckle. Without a sword it will cost me 5348 lives. I go and leave my sword in Cell block B 1S3E, collect the lives necessary (I collected up til 6124 lives). Also go and leave the grappler in Cell block B 2W. And the lucky grackle is yours.
Go get your sword. Go impress the security eye on level 1, and get the Pick axe (costs 3 green keys).
Imperial Defense:
3N5E: Use the pick axe. Kill Giants, Kill azure warden.
3N7E: Kill the monsters to get the gems. Leave the adder for now. Go pick the potion in ID 7N2W. Go back, take two large potions, kill that adder. Grab the gems
4N7E: Kill azure wardens Grab gems.
3N3E: Kill a serpent. Use a skeleton key to close a green door. Go grab a large potion, kill an imprisoned guard, and get the goods.
6N7E: You can now one kill everything in this room, and get the goods. Go kill the second imprisoned guard.
5N7E: Kill azure guardians.
5N6E: Kill serpents.
6N6E: Use the hand bomb on the statue.
Cell block B 2W: Use warp token in 13,6, get VIP card.
Cell block C: Go get the portable orb.
ID 3N6E: Slayer slaying time! Gather around 780 lives. (not really optimal, but I don’t think it matters any more) Use portable orb, collect the goods.
Time to HP hunt. Gives 12632 HP.
Shady dealer: Get keys.
Alternate ending stats: 56 (yes, I was lucky. I had more lives to get though, behind yellow doors and stuff)/588/614/25/1/0/3
[Last edited by Blondbeard at 10-09-2010 12:13 PM]