Long ago in ye mists of time, a movie was made. It was a crude, awkward movie. Surprisingly, it didn’t have the camera shakes, or poor acting skills that are traditionally associated with amateur footage. Interestingly, the camera didn’t pan, didn’t move at all, but took side by side shots in a top down view. This movie was not alone. There were many movies of this type, some good, some bad, some quick, some long, all united in particular artistic style. These movies were by no means Oscar winners, and they never featured in a cinema, but they were never meant to be. They were a symbol of passion arising from the hearts and minds of the makers, to unite themselves in their love of the art, in the love of DROD.
So why not do it again?
DROD Film Festival 2008
For those of you who have been around long enough, you might recall that back in 2005 Erik held a machinima (movie/film/video clip made in a game engine) contest. The rules were simple... Ok, I lie, he had quite a complex system, but then he boiled it down, and extracted the contents and it was simple. As such, this contest will be simple.
The rules are as follows:
Design a non interactive (play buttons exempted) hold featuring a heck of a lot of cutscenes.
-Story and characters are recommended.
-Must be longer than a minute, and no longer than 5 minutes. The latter is for your own sanity.
-You can make the hold file that will run the cutscene, or you can borrow somebody else’s, or you can create a .demo file of each room (just remember to clearly mark the order in which to run the demo files). Personally, the cutscene method is recommended, but it is your own choice.
-Remember to respect copyright. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use any media such as pictures, sound (although voice acting is a bit ambitious) or even movies, but make sure you can use them first. Same goes with the hold files.
-When you’ve finished your display, submit your file
-Provided that it is in a cutscene/demo, and abides by the rules, I really don't care what you do. That includes using real mosters and such things.
Considering that this is a two month contest, and that any one person can only collect one prize from the prize pile, there is now added incentive to work in teams. If you don't want to work in a team, you can gift the other pick from the prize pile to someone other than you.
-Submit your hold sometime before
Local Time:10-24-2008 at 01:00 PM, which is in
negative 849 weeks, 5 days
Voting will take place on aesthetics (how good it looked), polish (how smoothly it ran), presentation (how well it was presented/laid out. Not to be confused with aesthetics) and entertainment value.
First prize will receive two prizes from
the prize pile and 200 rank points. Note that one person can only receive one prize from the prize pile. First prize can also pick one art asset(basically any drawing in the game) from the game to be released under creative commons share alike non profit. Which means that it is free for anyone to use as they like, provided they share it and don't profit from it.
Second prize will receive 100 rank points
Third prize will receive 50 rank points.
-Don’t box yourself into the usual, ‘must come up with story, characters and plot twists’. Plot twists have long been standard you’ll probably surprise people more by not having them. (unless, of course, you have a highly original one that stuns the world). You could create an artistic masterpiece that doesn’t involve a story, or you could tell a story without characters. Or you could do extreme DROD sports or something crazy.
- If you are having technical trouble, don’t hesitate to post in this thread.
So what are you planning to do?
[Last edited by NiroZ at 09-22-2008 01:47 AM]